FHIR Artifacts > Structure Definition: OperationOutcome Profile
Structure Definition: OperationOutcome Profile
Canonical URL:http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-OperationOutcome
Simplifier project page:
Derived from: OperationOutcome (R4)
Formal Views of Profile Content
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work
Differential View
Hybrid View
Snapshot View
Table View
OperationOutcome is used to provide more detailed description of any issues that occurred during execution of a registry operation. Specific profiles are provided on the resource to reflect expectations of its use for each registry. However, the general conventions are the same:
OperationOutcome can either be the sole response to an operation (generally accompanying an HTTP code that indicates a failure) or it can be part of a Bundle indicating potential warnings associated with the generation of the search response.
If an OperationOutcome is returned with anything other than a success (200), the issues it contains will be of type 'error' or 'fatal'. (Fatal is used for issues that occur before the query can be exercised, 'error' is used for issues that occur during query execution.
OperationOutcomes returned as part of a Bundle will only contain 'warning' and 'information' messages. The user should always be made aware of the existence of these messages and the user should have the opportunity to review all such messages
See response handling for more information.
- used to declare conformance to this profile
- populate with the fixed value:
- an error, warning or information message that results from a system action.
- a code that identifies how the issue affects the success of the action.
- a code that provides a standardized description of the issue
- the system that creates an OperationOutcome SHALL choose the most applicable code from the IssueType value set, and may additional provide its own code for the error in the details element.
- systems MAY create logic based on the specific code returned
- the details of the issue or warning
- systems SHOULD always display the text to the end user
- intended for diagnostic purposes
- will generally only be relevant to help-desk personnel
- systems MAY make access to this information available to users by clicking on a button rather but SHOULD AVOID displaying information directly to end users that would be confusing
- intended for diagnostic purposes
- will generally only be relevant to help-desk personnel
- systems MAY make access to this information available to users by clicking on a button rather but SHOULD AVOID displaying information directly to end users that would be confusing
- intended for diagnostic purposes
- expressed as an XPath regardless of whether the submitted content is XML or JSON
- will only occur if the problem is with a submitted FHIR instance (i.e.: will not be present if the issue is for query parameters, HTTP headers, etc.)
- will generally only be relevant to help-desk personnel
- systems MAY make access to this information available to users by clicking on a button rather but SHOULD AVOID displaying information directly to end users that would be confusing