Appointment | | ||
identifier | S | 0..* | Identifier |
status | S | 1..1 | codeBinding |
cancellationReason | S | 0..1 | CodeableConceptBinding |
class | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept |
serviceCategory | S | 0..* | CodeableConceptBinding |
serviceType | S | 0..* | CodeableConceptBinding |
appointmentType | S | 0..1 | CodeableConceptBinding |
reason | S | 0..* | CodeableReference(Condition | Procedure | Observation | ImmunizationRecommendation)Binding |
priority | S | 0..1 | unsignedInt |
description | S | 0..1 | string |
replaces | S | 0..* | Reference(Appointment) |
virtualService | S | 0..1 | VirtualServiceDetail |
previousAppointment | S | 0..1 | Reference(Appointment) |
originatingAppointment | S | 0..1 | Reference( |
start | S | 0..1 | instant |
end | S | 0..1 | instant |
minutesDuration | S | 0..1 | positiveInt |
requestedPeriod | S | 0..* | Period |
slot | S | 0..* | Reference(Slot) |
created | S | 0..1 | dateTime |
cancellationDate | S | 0..1 | dateTime |
subject | S | 0..1 | Reference('s Patient Profile) |
participant | S | 0..* | BackboneElement |
actor | S | 0..1 | Reference('s Patient Profile | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Device | HealthcareService | Location) |
recurrenceId | S | 0..1 | string |
occurrenceChanged | S | 0..1 | boolean |
recurrenceTemplate | S | 0..1 | BackboneElement |
recurrenceType | S | 0..1 | code |
lastOccurrenceDate | S | 0..1 | dateTime |
occurrenceCount | S | 0..1 | positiveInt |
<StructureDefinition xmlns=""> <id value="Appointment-verto" /> <url value="" /> <version value="1.0.0" /> <name value="Appointment" /> <title value="Verto's Appointment Profile" /> <status value="active" /> <experimental value="true" /> <date value="2025-01-13" /> <publisher value="Verto Health" /> <description value="Appointment Profile constrained by Verto's Digital Twin" /> <fhirVersion value="5.0.0" /> <kind value="resource" /> <abstract value="false" /> <type value="Appointment" /> <baseDefinition value="" /> <derivation value="constraint" /> <differential> <element id="Appointment"> <path value="Appointment" /> <short value="Verto's Appointment Profile" /> <definition value="A booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), etc." /> </element> <element id="Appointment.identifier"> <path value="Appointment.identifier" /> <short value="External Ids for this appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="Identifier" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.status"> <path value="Appointment.status" /> <short value="proposed | pending | booked | arrived | fulfilled | cancelled | noshow | entered-in-error | checked-in | waitlist" /> <min value="1" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="code" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="required" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.cancellationReason"> <path value="Appointment.cancellationReason" /> <short value="The reason for appointment cancellation" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="CodeableConcept" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="preferred" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.class"> <path value="Appointment.class" /> <short value="Classification of service" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="CodeableConcept" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="example" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.serviceCategory"> <path value="Appointment.serviceCategory" /> <short value="A broad categorization of the service" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="CodeableConcept" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="preferred" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.serviceType"> <path value="Appointment.serviceType" /> <short value="Specific service" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="CodeableConcept" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="preferred" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.appointmentType"> <path value="Appointment.appointmentType" /> <short value="The type of appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="CodeableConcept" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="preferred" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.reason"> <path value="Appointment.reason" /> <short value="Reason for appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="CodeableReference" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> <binding> <strength value="preferred" /> <valueSet value="" /> </binding> </element> <element id="Appointment.priority"> <path value="Appointment.priority" /> <short value="Appointment priority" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="unsignedInt" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.description"> <path value="Appointment.description" /> <short value="Additional appointment notes or comments" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="string" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.replaces"> <path value="Appointment.replaces" /> <short value="Appointment that this appointment replaces" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <!-- VirtualService --> <element id="Appointment.virtualService"> <path value="Appointment.virtualService" /> <short value="Virtual service details" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="VirtualServiceDetail" /> <profile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.previousAppointment"> <path value="Appointment.previousAppointment" /> <short value="Previous appointment that this appointment follows" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.originatingAppointment"> <path value="Appointment.originatingAppointment" /> <short value="The original appointment that this one is based on" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <!-- Time elements --> <element id="Appointment.start"> <path value="Appointment.start" /> <short value="Start time of appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="instant" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.end"> <path value="Appointment.end" /> <short value="End time of appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="instant" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.minutesDuration"> <path value="Appointment.minutesDuration" /> <short value="Duration in minutes" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="positiveInt" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.requestedPeriod"> <path value="Appointment.requestedPeriod" /> <short value="Requested time period for appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="Period" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.slot"> <path value="Appointment.slot" /> <short value="The slots that this appointment is filling" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.created"> <path value="Appointment.created" /> <short value="Creation time" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="dateTime" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.cancellationDate"> <path value="Appointment.cancellationDate" /> <short value="When appointment was cancelled" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="dateTime" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.subject"> <path value="Appointment.subject" /> <short value="The patient for the appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="'s Patient Profile" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <!-- Participant --> <element id="Appointment.participant"> <path value="Appointment.participant" /> <short value="Participants involved in appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="*" /> <type> <code value="BackboneElement" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id=""> <path value="" /> <short value="Person, Location or Resource" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="Reference" /> <targetProfile value="'s Patient Profile" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> <targetProfile value="" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.recurrenceId"> <path value="Appointment.recurrenceId" /> <short value="Identifier of recurring appointment" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="string" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.occurrenceChanged"> <path value="Appointment.occurrenceChanged" /> <short value="Indicates if occurrence was changed" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="boolean" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <!-- RecurrenceTemplate --> <element id="Appointment.recurrenceTemplate"> <path value="Appointment.recurrenceTemplate" /> <short value="Recurring appointment template" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="BackboneElement" /> </type> <mustSupport value="true" /> </element> <element id="Appointment.recurrenceTemplate.recurrenceType"> <path value="Appointment.recurrenceTemplate.recurrenceType" /> <short value="Type of recurrence" /> <min value="0" /> <max value="1" /> <type> <code value="code" /> </type> 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