Information Model

The Information Model defines the structure and relationships between the various FHIR resources, profiles, and extensions in the Cowboy Hat Enthusiasts Implementation Guide. This section provides a detailed overview of the information model, ensuring a clear understanding of how data is organized and related.


The information model is designed to capture comprehensive information about cowboy hats, their styles, and personal preferences, ensuring interoperability and consistent data exchange. Key components of the model include:

  • CodeSystem for Cowboy Hats: Classifies and categorizes different types and features of cowboy hats.
  • ValueSet for Cowboy Hat Styles: Enumerates standard styles of cowboy hats.
  • Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat: Provides detailed information about a cowboy and his preferred hat.
  • Extension for FavoriteCowboyHat: Adds specific details about an individual's favorite cowboy hat to existing profiles.


  • CodeSystem to ValueSet: The ValueSet for Cowboy Hat Styles derives its permissible values from the CodeSystem for Cowboy Hats.
  • Profile to CodeSystem/ValueSet: The Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat uses codes and values defined in the CodeSystem and ValueSet to document hat details.
  • Extension to Profile: The Extension for FavoriteCowboyHat is used within the Profile to add detailed information about an individual's preferred hat.

Schematic Overview

The following PlantUML diagram illustrates the information model and the relationships between the components:

Detailed Explanation

  • CodeSystem for Cowboy Hats: Contains codes and descriptions for different types, styles, materials, and features of cowboy hats.
  • ValueSet for Cowboy Hat Styles: Selects a subset of codes from the CodeSystem to represent standard styles of cowboy hats.
  • Profile for Cowboy and FavoriteCowboyHat: Extends standard FHIR resources to capture detailed information about a cowboy and his preferred hat, utilizing codes and values from the CodeSystem and ValueSet.
  • Extension for FavoriteCowboyHat: Provides additional attributes that can be incorporated into the Profile to document specific details about the cowboy's favorite hat, such as the style, material, brand, and custom features.

By understanding the information model and the relationships between these components, users can effectively implement and utilize the FHIR resources and extensions, ensuring consistent and comprehensive documentation and data exchange related to cowboy hats.