Page Status: updated 2022-11-09
Transaction Bundle - Prescriptions
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This page describes how to create, update or close multiple prescriptions in one call by a few examples.
This is done by sending a Bundle of prescriptions in a call to the following operation.
POST [base]/
A set of HTTP headers must be provided with the call and the prescriptions are provided as a Bundle in the HTTP body.
- HTTP headers: see HTTP Header and Authorization for more information about the various headers used by the National Medication List.
- HTTP body: see NLLPrescriptionBundle for more information about this type of bundle.
Before a MedicationRequest is created or updated, the user needs access to other information in the National Medication List. For more information on different scenarios and what information is required for each scenario, see Handbok för vård- och apotekstjänster: Verksamhetsområden.
HTTP Headers
See HTTP Header and Authorization for generic information about all HTTP headers used by the National Medication List including information about authorization, purpose and access type. The authorization token is translated to an authority role. The authority role together with the purpose and type of access is used by the National Medication List to determine what actions a user may perform and what information the user may access.
Header | Comment |
authorization | The users's security token |
prefer | Type of returned content |
x-access | The cause for the call |
x-context-id | An ID to group a sequence of requests |
x-org-info | Information about the users's organisation |
x-patientref | The logical ID of the patient |
x-provenance | A provenance resource with information about the user interacting with NLL |
x-purpose | The purpose of the call |
x-request-id | A random and unique ID |
x-user-agent | Information about the caller |
Example 1 - Stop two prescriptions in a prescription chain
This example shows how to end both the active prescription and the one to be active in a prescription chain. In this case by a pharmacy.
HTTP headers
Header | Value | Comment |
authorization | {...,"APOTEKSID":"7350046611966","LEGITIMATIONSKOD":"920007","YRKESKOD":["AP"],"loa":3} |
Selected information from the OAuth2-ticket in decoded form |
prefer | return=represenation |
x-access | ||
x-org-info | ||
x-patientref | ||
x-provenance | Provenance for a pharmacy user | Decoded value |
x-purpose | ||
x-request-id | 556b9b97-624f-4442-a099-fc3627f400d3 |
x-user-agent | {"name":"Test application","version":"0.01010101010.1 beta"} |
Decoded value |
HTTP body: Transaction Bundle stop prescriptions
Example 2 - Cancel two prescriptions in a prescription chain
This example shows how to cancel both the active prescription and the one to be active in a prescription chain. In this case by a healtcare provider.
HTTP headers
Header | Value | Comment |
authorization | {...,"FORSKRIVARKOD":"9000027","VARDGIVARE":"0123456789","YRKESKOD":["LK"],"loa":3} |
Selected information from the OAuth2-ticket in decoded form |
prefer | return=represenation |
x-access | ||
x-org-info | {"orgenhetsOrt":"Sala"} |
Decoded value |
x-patientref | ||
x-provenance | Provenance for a healthcare user | Decoded value |
x-purpose | ||
x-request-id | e2401847-d9fb-4b10-a66d-3fa785302fed |
x-user-agent | {"name":"Test application","version":"0.01010101010.1 beta"} |
Decoded value |
HTTP body: Transaction Bundle cancel prescriptions
Example 3 - Update one prescription and cancel another in a prescription chain
This example shows how to update the the active prescription and cancel the one to be active in a prescription chain. In this case by a healtcare provider.
HTTP headers
Header | Value | Comment |
authorization | {...,"FORSKRIVARKOD":"9000027","VARDGIVARE":"0123456789","YRKESKOD":["LK"],"loa":3} |
Selected information from the OAuth2-ticket in decoded form |
prefer | return=OperationOutcome |
x-access | ||
x-org-info | {"orgenhetsOrt":"Sala"} |
Decoded value |
x-patientref | ||
x-provenance | Provenance for a healthcare user | Decoded value |
x-purpose | ||
x-request-id | aeaaa878-7eb1-421f-b4d2-c8d0e186c99e |
x-user-agent | {"name":"Test application","version":"0.01010101010.1 beta"} |
Decoded value |