
본 IG에서 정의하는 CodeSystem 인 device-version Type의 대하여 서술한다.
세부적인 코드시스템은 아래와 같다
<CodeSystem xmlns="">
    <id value="connectdtx-version-type" />
        <status value="generated" />
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
    <url value="" />
    <version value="0.9.9" />
    <name value="ConnectDTxVersionType" />
    <title value="ConnectDTx Version Type" />
    <status value="active" />
    <date value="2023-10-30T00:27:19.6492589+00:00" />
    <publisher value="PHI DIGITAL HEALTHCARE,inc" />
        <name value="PHI DIGITAL HEALTHCARE,inc" />
            <system value="url" />
            <value value="" />
        <name value="김태정" />
            <system value="email" />
            <value value="" />
            <use value="work" />
    <description value="DTx 소프트웨어의 버전 유형" />
    <content value="complete" />
    <count value="4" />
        <code value="prod" />
        <display value="Production" />
        <definition value="정식버전" />
        <code value="clinical-trial" />
        <display value="Clinical Trial" />
        <definition value="임상시험 버전" />
        <code value="placebo-trial" />
        <display value="Placebo Trial" />
        <definition value="임상시험의 위약대조군시험 버전" />
        <code value="dev" />
        <display value="Development" />
        <definition value="개발버전" />
    "resourceType": "CodeSystem",
    "id": "connectdtx-version-type",
    "text": {
        "status": "generated",
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
    "url": "",
    "version": "0.9.9",
    "name": "ConnectDTxVersionType",
    "title": "ConnectDTx Version Type",
    "status": "active",
    "date": "2023-10-30T00:27:19.6492589+00:00",
    "publisher": "PHI DIGITAL HEALTHCARE,inc",
    "contact":  [
            "name": "PHI DIGITAL HEALTHCARE,inc",
            "telecom":  [
                    "system": "url",
                    "value": ""
            "name": "김태정",
            "telecom":  [
                    "system": "email",
                    "value": "",
                    "use": "work"
    "description": "DTx 소프트웨어의 버전 유형",
    "content": "complete",
    "count": 4,
    "concept":  [
            "code": "prod",
            "display": "Production",
            "definition": "정식버전"
            "code": "clinical-trial",
            "display": "Clinical Trial",
            "definition": "임상시험 버전"
            "code": "placebo-trial",
            "display": "Placebo Trial",
            "definition": "임상시험의 위약대조군시험 버전"
            "code": "dev",
            "display": "Development",
            "definition": "개발버전"

This code system defines the following codes:

prod Production정식버전
clinical-trial Clinical Trial임상시험 버전
placebo-trial Placebo Trial임상시험의 위약대조군시험 버전
dev Development개발버전