Interaction: Create Subscription
The Create Subscription interaction creates a subscription to a specified event, enabling the subscriber to receive notifications when the event occurs.
This specification is based on the FHIR R5 Backport Create operations.
Subscription Create Request
Client creates and submits a request to the FHIR server to express interest to subscribe for notifications about changes to specific resources. Client use HTTP POST method to submit subscritpion request in the following manner
POST [base]/Subscription HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/fhir+json
where the HTTP Body contains a FHIR R5 Backport Subscription resource, conformant to Profile: Subscription
Mandatory elements
When creating a Subscription resource, the following elements are mandatory:
Element | Description |
status | Defines the lifecycle status of the subscription (e.g., requested, active, error). |
criteria | References a canonical URL for the topic used to generate resource that defines the events of interest. |
criteria.filterCriteria | Filtering critiera applied to events. |
channel.Type | Specifies the notification channel type (e.g., rest-hook, websocket, email). |
endpoint (if applicable) | The URL or target for delivering notifications (required for rest-hook). |
reason | Describes why the subscription was created. |
payload.content | How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content. |
Interaction Sequence Diagram
Example Create Subscription Interaction
Request Message:
HTTP Method:
Content-Type: application/fhir+json
Response message body:
{ "resourceType": "Subscription", "id": "subscription-admission", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "text": { "status": "generated", --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource --- }, "status": "active", "end": "2020-12-31T12:00:00Z", "reason": "R4/B Example Topic-Based Subscription for Patient Admission", "criteria": "", "_criteria": { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueString": "Encounter?patient=Patient/123" } ] }, "channel": { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueUnsignedInt": 86400 }, { "url": "", "valueUnsignedInt": 60 }, { "url": "", "valuePositiveInt": 20 } ], "type": "rest-hook", "endpoint": "", "payload": "application/fhir+json", "_payload": { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueCode": "id-only" } ] } } }
Expected Behaviour
Case | Scenario Description | HTTP Status Code | Response Payload |
1 | A valid Subscription is submitted, accepted, and created in the repository | HTTP 200 | Created. Returns the created resource. |
2 | The subscribtion has been received but is being processed asynchronously | HTTP 202 | Accepted. |
3 | The submitted Subscription cannot be validated as it does not conform to the specification | HTTP 400 | Bad Request. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue. The client must fix the request and try again. |
4 | Subsciprtion API validates the request but cannot return a valid response due to internal issues. | HTTP 500 | Internal Server Error. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue. |
Supported Profiles
Profile Name | URL |
Backport Subscription | R4/B Topic-Based Subscription |