Profile: Subscription

The Subscription resource is used by a client to request a subscription to a resource type on FHIR service, for example, HealthcareService or DiagnosticReport resources, whenver these resources are created or updated.

In order to align with the use of FHIR R4 at OntarioHealth, Subscriptions are expected to conform to the Subscription profile defined by the Subscriptions R5 Backport Implementation Guide.

This profile provides guidance for implementing FHIR R5 Subscription resource features & elements using extensions defined in FHIR R4.

Usage Notes:


  • The status of the subscription - requesters should set this value to "requested" when creating a subscrition request


  • Used to capture the canonical URL of the SubscriptionTopic


  • Used to apply filter criteria, similar to those used in search strings


  • Interval in seconds to send 'heartbeat' notification


  • Timeout in seconds to attempt notification delivery


  • Maximum number of triggering resources included in notification bundles


  • allowed values: messaging | rest-hook | websocket
  • for rest-hook, must supply bearer certificate for Mutual TLS or authorization header


  • URL endpoint used to deliver subscription notifications, notably URL for rest-hook and websocket.


  • not used in this implementation


  • MIME type to be used to transmit the payload


  • used to convey the type of payload requested: empty (no resource content is sent in notifications), id-only (only resource ids are sent in notifications), or full-resource (entire resource is sent in notification)