Notice: This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Data mapping
Important: This page is under development by NHS England
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
episode_id | 0..* | UKCoreEncounter.identifier | Type: Identifier. Unique ID to identify an episode. |
episode_date | 0..1 | UKCoreEncounter.period (Start) | Type: Period. Date an episode was created. |
end_code | 0..1 | UKCoreEncounter.extension:reasonCancelled | Type: CodeableConcept. Captures the reason why an episode is closed. |
end_code_last_updated | 1..1 | UKCoreEncounter.statusHistory.period | Type: Period. Date when screening episode end code was last updated. |
reason_closed_code | 0..1 | UKCoreEncounter.extension:reasonCancelled | Type: CodeableConcept. The reason closed code indicates the reason that lead to the closing of the episode in NBSS |
end_code_description | 0..1 | UKCoreEncounter.extension:reasonCancelled.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: End_code |
reason_closed_code_description | 0..1 | UKCoreEncounter.extension:reasonCancelled.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute reason_closed_code |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
appointment_made | 1..1 | UKCoreAppointment.status | Type: Code. Whether an appointment was made for a subject to be screened |
date_of_foa | 0..1 | UKCoreAppointment.start (date) | Type: Instant. The first offered appointment date to a participant. |
early_recall_date | 0..1 | UKCoreAppointment.start (date) | Type: Instant. The date on which the participant is recalled early for routine screening. This is the early recall date that related to this episode |
next_test_due_date | 0..1 | UKCoreAppointment.start (date) | Type: Instant. Date when screening subject is due for next test. |
latest_invitation_date | 0..1 | UKCoreAppointment.start (date) | Type: Instant. The most recent screening invitation date sent out to a participant. |
higher_risk_next_test_due_date | 0..1 | UKCoreAppointment.start (date) | Type: Instant. The HR NTDD of someone who is in the HR program - when they're next due to be screened. |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
date_of_as | 0..1 | UKCoreProcedure.performedDateTime | Type: dateTime. The date on which a participant underwent screening. |
end_point | 0..1 | UKCoreProcedure.outcome | Type: CodeableConcept.text. An endpoint is the summary of Procedure Outcomes, obtained when the episode is closed. |
date_irradiated | 0..1 | UKCoreProcedure.performedDateTime | Type: dateTime. Date on which subject has received radiological procedure during a mammogram,Relates to higher risk women |
screening_programme_name | 0..1 | UKCoreProcedure.code | Type: CodeableConcept. This is the name given to a screening program. For ex: Breast screening program |
Service Request
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
episode_type | 0..* | UKCoreServiceRequest.priority.extension:priorityReason | Type: Extension(CodeableConcept). Indicates the type of screening episode that a subject has underwent. e.g. call / recall / high risk / GP referred / self referral |
call_recall_status_authorised_by | 0..1 | UKCoreServiceRequest.extension:sourceOfServiceRequest | Type: Extension(CodeableConcept). Indicates the entity which has authorized the recall of a screening participant. |
episode_type_description | 0..1 | UKCoreServiceRequest.priority.extension:priorityReason.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: Episode_type |
Care Plan
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
final_action_code | 0..* | UKCoreCarePlan.category | Type: CodeableConcept. The final action codes specify the actions or events that should occur after the closure of an episode. |
final_action_code_description | 0..1 | UKCoreCarePlan.category.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: Final_action_code |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
bso_organisation_code | 0..1 | Group.managingEntity (Organization) | Type: Reference(Organization). Organisation code for Breast Screening Office. |
bso_batch_id | 0..* | Group.identifier | Type: Identifier. This is a batch number assigned on NBSS. It is prefixed with the BSO code. |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
nhs_number | 0..1 | UKCorePatient.identifier.nhsNumber | Type: Identifier. The unique identifier for a person within the NHS. |
gp_practice_code | 0..* | UKCorePatient.generalPractitioner | Type: Reference(Organization). Unique identifier for each GP Practice. |
preferred_language | 1..1 | UKCorePatient.communication.language | Type: CodeableConcept. A participant's preferred language of communication. |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
subject_status_code | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. Normal or ceased (ceased if the subject is no longer attending screening) |
removal_reason | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. Reason for screening subject's removal from the GP |
removal_date | 0..1 | UKCoreFlag.period.end | Type: Period. Date when screening subject was removed from the GP |
reason_for_ceasing_code | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. This is a standardised reason why woman has been ceased from screening. |
is_higher_risk | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. Indicates whether a screening subject is a higher risk or not. |
higher_risk_referral_reason_code | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. The reason code assigned to a higher risk subject. |
higher_risk_referral_reason_code_description | 0..1 | UKCoreFlag.code.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: higher_risk_referral_reason_code |
is_higher_risk_active | 0..1 | UKCoreFlag.period.end | Type: Period. The high risk is active for the subject or not. |
ntdd_calculation_method | 1..1 | UKCoreFlag.code | Type: CodeableConcept. Whether a woman's NTDD should be calculated in the normal, routine way, or if she's in a trial and it needs calculating differently. |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
gene_code | 0..1 | UKCoreObservation.value.valueCodeableConcept | Type: CodeableConcept. Captures the information related to Gene for high risk subjects,Relates to higher risk women |
gene_code_description | 0..1 | UKCoreObservation.value.valueCodeableConcept.coding.display | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: gene_code |
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
organisation_name | 0..1 | UKCoreOrganization.identifier.value | Type: String. This is the description for the data attribute: |
Audit Event
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
record_insert_date_time | 1..1 | UKCoreAuditEvent.recorded | Type: Instant. This is date time when a record is inserted into these tables |
Meta [Resource]
Source Data item | Cardinality | Target FHIR Element | Notes |
source_system_processed_date_time | 0..1 | resource.meta.lastUpdated | Type: Instant. This is change_db_date_time captured from the source system BS-select. This indicates the last time the record changed in the source system. |
record_update_date_time | 0..1 | resource.meta.lastUpdated | Type: Instant. This is the date time when a record is updated in these tables. |