NHS Digital FHIR Implementation Guide (Retired - 2.1.50)

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

Device Data Mapping

This table specifies the mapping from data requirements, Accredited System record, to FHIR targets within the SDS-Device resource

Data Item LDAP Attribute Cardinality FHIR Target Notes
Accredited System Identifier uniqueIdentifier 1 Device.identifier:NhsSpineASID
Managing Organisation Code nhsIdCode 1 Device.extension:managingOrganisation (for GP System supplier)
Client Code nhsAsClient 0..* Device.owner (for GP System i.e. GP Practice) List of Organisation or Site codes, or Organisational Work Groups which use this Accredited System. Though the cardinality is set to 0..*, EPR application ensures there is 1 value in this attribute.
Party Key nhsMhsPartyKey 1 Device.identifier:NhsMhsPartyKey
Service-Interactions nhsAsSvcIA 1..* Device.identifier:NhsEndpointServiceId
ACF Characteristics nhsAsACF 0..* not mapped - not returned
Description description 0..1 not mapped - not returned
Category Bag nhsAsCategoryBag 0..* not mapped - not returned
Product nhsProductKey 1 not mapped - not returned
Requestor’s Identity nhsRequestorURP 1 not mapped - not returned
Date Requested nhsDateRequested 1 not mapped - not returned
Approver’s Identity nhsApproverURP 1 not mapped - not returned
Date Approved nhsDateApproved 1 not mapped - not returned

not mapped - not returned - these data items in the AccreditedSystem record are not returned by the Device endpoint and so are not mapped to a FHIR Target

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