Patient Demographics Query

Equivalent of IHE Volume 1?


  • PDQm Introduction
  • PDQm Actors and Transactions
  • PDQm Actor Options
  • PDQm Required Groupings
  • PDQm Overview
  • PDQm Security Considerations
  • PDQm Cross-Profile Considerations


Actors, Transactions, and Content Modules

Use Case

Mosa is pregnant and visits the local maternity ward for the first time.

The maternity nurse needs to register the patient; in doing so, it is desired to record the patient’s demographic data in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR). The hospital is connected to a NHS England Personnel Demographic Service (PDS). The nurse issues a patient demographic query request to PDS acting as a Patient Identity Source, with some basic patient demographics data as search criteria.

In the returned patient list, she picks an appropriate record for the patient and this is used to create a local patient demographic record in the EPR. Other local systems (Patient Identity Consumer) are informed of this new patient record via Patient Identity Feeds.

Note: PDS may be replaced with a local Patient Administration System (PAS) or regional Master Patient Index (MPI) systems. The use of PDS is often a background interaction.

Process Flow


The maternity nurse has access to an EPR/PAS and has the valid authorisaton to retrieve the patient's details and has details of the patient's required demographic data.

Main Flow:

The maternity nurse initiates a search query within EPR/PAS which then retrieves her demographic data. If multiple matches are found, the maternity nurse will select the desired record from the list.


The patient identity (NHS Number or MRN) is used to access API's and systems.


  • IHE Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) The Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) Profile defines a lightweight RESTful interface to a patient demographics supplier leveraging technologies readily available to mobile applications and lightweight browser based applications.


Specific services/NHSE programmes here?

e.g. PDS? each service can be a folder with a set of pages underneath

  • Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API Access patients (England national) personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, related people, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number using the FHIR version of the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) API.
    • This is close to IHE PDQm