ValueSetEncounterStatus (MY Core)

<ValueSet xmlns="">
    <id value="value-set-encounter-status-my-core" />
        <status value="generated" />
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
    <url value="" />
    <name value="ValueSetEncounterStatusMyCore" />
    <title value="value-set-encounter-status-my-core" />
    <status value="active" />
    <date value="2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00" />
    <description value="Encounter priority value set" />
            <system value="" />
                <code value="arrived" />
                <display value="Arrived" />
                <code value="in-progress" />
                <display value="In Progress" />
                <code value="finished" />
                <display value="Finished" />
                <code value="unknown" />
                <display value="Unknown" />

    "resourceType": "ValueSet",
    "id": "value-set-encounter-status-my-core",
    "text": {
        "status": "generated",
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
    "url": "",
    "name": "ValueSetEncounterStatusMyCore",
    "title": "value-set-encounter-status-my-core",
    "status": "active",
    "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00",
    "description": "Encounter priority value set",
    "compose": {
        "include":  [
                "system": "",
                "concept":  [
                        "code": "arrived",
                        "display": "Arrived"
                        "code": "in-progress",
                        "display": "In Progress"
                        "code": "finished",
                        "display": "Finished"
                        "code": "unknown",
                        "display": "Unknown"

ValueSet 'ValueSetEncounterStatusMyCore'

StatusActive (since 2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00)

Encounter priority value set

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

Defining URL:

This value set is used in the following places:

This code system defines the following codes:

plannedPlannedThe Encounter has not yet started.
arrivedArrivedThe Patient is present for the encounter, however is not currently meeting with a practitioner.
triagedTriagedThe patient has been assessed for the priority of their treatment based on the severity of their condition.
in-progressIn ProgressThe Encounter has begun and the patient is present / the practitioner and the patient are meeting.
onleaveOn LeaveThe Encounter has begun, but the patient is temporarily on leave.
finishedFinishedThe Encounter has ended.
cancelledCancelledThe Encounter has ended before it has begun.
entered-in-errorEntered in ErrorThis instance should not have been part of this patient's medical record.
unknownUnknownThe encounter status is unknown. Note that "unknown" is a value of last resort and every attempt should be made to provide a meaningful value other than "unknown".