Medication Use cases

Data Flow :

Could not find subject. Project was not found for Medication_Adminstration_diagram.
Could not find subject. Project was not found for Medication_Adminstration_diagram_flow.

1. 'Devices_DeviceModel' needs to be send as first resource (if not available prior)
2. 'Devices_Device' should be send next with reference to parent resource 'Devices_DeviceModel'(if not available prior)
3. 'Patient' needs to be send prior to MedicationAdminstration (if not available prior)
4. 'MedicationRequest' needs to be send prior to MedicationAdminstration (if not available prior)
5. Once the Device,  patient, MedicationRequest resources are in place, we will have the MedicationAdminstration profile send having reference to the Device resource (MedicationAdminstration.device,), patient resource (MedicationAdminstration.subject), Medication resource (MedicationAdminstration.medication) and MedicationRequest resource

Medication Adminstration - Insulin flow use case :

Medication Adminstration - Insulin flow - In this use case, we cover Medication Adminstration for a patient based on the Medication Request

Bolus calculator data point use case:

For bolus activation type data point,
MedicationRequest resource : we will use respective code in place of MedicationRequest.intent

For bolus delivery type data point,
MedicationRequest resource : we will use respective code in place of MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.method.coding in MedicationRequest resource.
MedicationAdminstration resource : We will use respective code in place of MedicationAdminstration.category.coding

For other bolus calculator data points (confirmed, selected, recommended, Immediate insulin, Delayed insulin, Delayed duration)
MedicationRequest resource : we will use respective code in MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.type.code and its value in MedicationRequest.MedicationRequestdosageInstruction.doseAndRate.doseQuantity in in MedicationRequest resource.
MedicationAdminstration resource : We will use respective code in place of MedicationAdminstration.dosage.method.coding.code and value in MedicationAdminstration.dose.value