FHIR Profiling guidelines

In this page we present the initial conventions for creating FHIR profiles and associated conformance resources conserning the technical integration of patient generated data to KotiDigi platform. These guidelines are at the moment aimed at FHIR R4 version.


Unless stated otherwise, the FHIR related materials will be created in English in order to encourage adoption and re-use.

Use open profiling model

An "open" model means that the profile can accommodate the elements specified by the functional model it represents, but doesn't impose further restrictions to the exchanged data. At the moment this Implemantation guide aims to describe a conceptual model for any wellness application for transferring patient generated data to KotiDigi, therefore it's natural choice to use open modelling since in many aspects the concrete future use cases for this specification are not yet known. If and when restrictions are necessary for a specific use case, it will be added to the information standard specific profiles.

as a general guideline we only want to profile elements, cardinalities and bindings that require profiling. Other elements, cardinalities and bindings are left as-is.

Information standards used

At the moment the profiles and examples are presented with the assumption that in production use case the implemantation will need to derive implementation specific profiles for the data exhanged to further enhance and adapt the profiles to the specific use case. As a result there are not yet any code-system specific guidelines, but the overall guidelline would be to use coded code-systems from THL Koodistopalvelin whenever applicable. Also at the moment there are no Finnish Core profiles for commonly used resources (Patient, Organization etc.) The overall guideline at the moment is to follow Kela's FinnishPHR profiling when possible, and adapt to Finnish core profiles if such profiles emerge in the future.