
The REST interface Depseudonymize accepts a FHIR Bundle with a list of entries containing any type of FHIR resource. It is expected that each resource contains a pseudonym as identifier, i.e. the system of the identifier has to be

Request overview

No. Name URL Required client role Request type Request param Request body
6 Depseudonymize server:port/v1/resolve trustcenter-facade (usage-allowed),
trustcenter-facade (default-case-allowed)*,
trustcenter-facade (all-systems-allowed)**
trustcenter-facade (<any-target-system>)***
POST targetSystem JSON FHIR Bundle

* This role enables access to the depseudonymization interface in case no target-system is specified as query parameter.
** This role enables access to the depseudonymization interface in case a target-system was specified as query parameter (any target-system is allowed).
*** This role enables access to the depseudoynmization interface when specifying a specific target-system as query parameter.





            "status":"200 OK"
            "status":"200 OK"