Use Case
The HelseVest Perioperative project aims to provide integrations for the KULE project covering the perioperative domain. The existing solutions for the perioperative domain have different ICT support for different health trusts within Helse Vest. For example, Helse Bergen uses Orbit and Helse Stavanger uses Orplan for surgery planning. They have integrations with the EHR and other IT-systems. Helse Forde and Helse Fonna have their surgery planning tightly integrated in the EHR. The DIPS Operation planning is a module within the DIPS EHR that does not have any external integration.
High-level goals:
Streamline the work process for the perioperative domain
Improve the quality of information accessible to clinicians
Improve integration architecture for IT-systems covering the perioperative phases
The following objectives are derived from the business and technology goals:
Automate the information flow between surgery planning systems, Meona and DIPS EHR.
Support the workflow as outlined in the solution description
Replace and improve existing solutions and integrations for the perioperative domain
Provide a seamless user experience for clinical applications
Perioperative workflow