Testing and Validation

This implementation guide is designed to be used at early stages of development and be compatible with HL7 FHIR Validation

The principle tool for validation is the HL7 FHIR Validator

Example command to verify a resource (in a Patient.json file) against this Implementation Guide is shown below:

java -jar org.hl7.fhir.validator.jar Patient.json -version 4.0.1 -ig https://packages.simplifier.net/UK.GM.r4/-/UK.GM.r4-0.0.1-dev.tgz -profile https://fhir.lhcre.nhs.uk/StructureDefinition/LHCRE-Patient

A number of Greater Manchester FHIR Servers will also support the $validate operation. Currently this includes:

It is not currently possibly to validate coding using UK CodeSystems and ValueSets. HL7 FHIR Terminology Servers with partial UK Support include: