GP Connect (Patient Facing) Prescriptions - FHIR API (deprecated)

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Note: This is a deprecated version (draft) of the specification - please see the latest for the latest version.

How to cancel a prescription request

In order to cancel a prescription request the patient would first have to retrieve their prescription requests in order to view the in-flight requests.

Note - reorder requests can only be cancelled before they have been actioned. This means it must not send a request to cancel anything further forward than a status of Requested. Any status further on than this will return an error.

Cancelling a prescription reorder request

  1. The first step in the user journey would be to retrieve the prescription reorder requests, this will be retrieved by the get requested prescription reorders endpoint, using the patients NHS number i.e. GET /Task/?patient={NHSNumber}

    This will return a Bundle of Task resources linked to the patient. At this stage we have a list of requests the patient could send a cancellation for.

  2. At this point the patient would choose a request to send a cancellation for, this must only be possible for a request (Task resource) with status of Requested. Any other status will return an error.

    Once the request to cancel has been selected a JSON Patch must be sent to PATCH /Task/id?

    The patch must look identical to:

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/status",
        "value": "cancelled"

  1. This will then update the status of the request to cancelled.
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