Note: This version is in draft and is currently being migrated from the Appointment Management specification.
Retrieve appointments
FHIR relative request
GET /Patient/[id]/Appointment?start=ge[lower_date_range_boundary]&start=le[upper_date_range_boundary]
FHIR absolute request
GET https://[proxy_server]/https://[provider_server]/[fhir_base]/Patient/[id]/Appointment?start=ge[lower_date_range_boundary]&start=le[upper_date_range_boundary]
Example request
Retrieve all appointments for patient with logical id 1001 which start on or between 2017-07-11 and 2017-09-14:
GET /Patient/1001/Appointment?start=ge2017-07-11&start=le2017-09-14
Example response
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "searchset", "entry": [ { "resource": { "resourceType": "Appointment", "id": "148", "meta": { "versionId": "1503310820000", "profile": [ "" ] }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "Organization", "id": "1", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "A00001" } ], "type": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "gp-practice" } ] } ], "name": "Test Organization Name", "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "value": "0300 303 5678" } ] } ], "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "#1" } }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "R0260", "display": "General Medical Practitioner" } ] } }, { "url": "", "valueCode": "In-person" } ], "status": "booked", "serviceCategory": { "text": "General GP Appointments" }, "serviceType": [ { "text": "General GP Appointment" } ], "description": "GP Connect Appointment description 148", "start": "2017-08-21T10:20:00+01:00", "end": "2017-08-21T10:50:00+01:00", "slot": [ { "reference": "Slot/544" }, { "reference": "Slot/545" }, { "reference": "Slot/546" } ], "created": "2017-07-09T13:48:41+01:00", "comment": "Test Appointment Comment 148", "participant": [ { "actor": { "reference": "Patient/2" }, "status": "accepted" }, { "actor": { "reference": "Location/1" }, "status": "accepted" }, { "actor": { "reference": "Practitioner/2" }, "status": "accepted" } ] } }, { "resource": { "resourceType": "Appointment", "id": "149", "meta": { "versionId": "1503440820000", "profile": [ "" ] }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "Organization", "id": "1", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "A00001" } ], "type": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "gp-practice" } ] } ], "name": "Test Organization Name 2", "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "value": "0300 303 5679" } ] } ], "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "#1" } }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "R0260", "display": "General Medical Practitioner" } ] } }, { "url": "", "valueCode": "In-person" } ], "status": "booked", "serviceCategory": { "text": "General GP Appointments" }, "serviceType": [ { "text": "General GP Appointment" } ], "description": "GP Connect Appointment description 148", "start": "2016-08-16T11:20:00+01:00", "end": "2016-08-16T11:30:00+01:00", "slot": [ { "reference": "Slot/303" } ], "created": "2016-08-14T13:48:41+01:00", "participant": [ { "actor": { "reference": "Patient/2" }, "status": "accepted" }, { "actor": { "reference": "Location/1" }, "status": "accepted" } ] } } ] }