Case - Patient driven scheduling


The scenarios described here borrow actual implementations done in Omaolo symptom check-up service and Palveluohjain scheduling service. All interactions are done with default HTTP methods, no custom operations used.


No specific instructions given for narrative, which is not considered as essential for scheduling purposes.

Patient driven scheduling

Patient driven scheduling enables a patient to use an organization’s on-line service (“patient portal”) or a third-party application to search for available appointments (free slots). The result set is based on the search criteria set on:

  • available times
  • practitioner
  • location (either as a resource reference or a string)
  • specialty
  • healthcare service type (based on Finnish codesystem THL - Sosiaali- ja terveysalan palvelunimikkeistö [])

Other interactions

  • Patient books an appointment through a patient portal or a third-party application.

  • Patient re-schedules or cancels an appointment through a patient portal or a third-party application.

  • Patient retrieves their scheduled appointments through a patient portal or a third-party application.