Hydroxocobalamin 10mg/2ml solution for injection ampoules, one to be given by IM injection into the shoulder, 3 times per week for 6 doses, then every 3 months, starting on 1st November 2019
Product-based prescription with course length as number of doses, sequential dosing.
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MedicationRequest.id[0] | 6062d3bb-f6cf-41ec-aa71-dcd42299b10f |
MedicationRequest.contained[0].id[0] | med1 |
MedicationRequest.contained[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.contained[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 24856311000001103 |
MedicationRequest.contained[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | Hydroxocobalamin 10mg/2ml solution for injection ampoules |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].reference[0] | #med1 |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].sequence[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].count[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 3 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | wk |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].code[0] | 16982005 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].display[0] | Shoulder |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 78421000 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | intramuscular route |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].dose[0].unit[0] | ampoule |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].dose[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].dose[0].code[0] | 413516001 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].sequence[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].bounds[0].start[0] | 2019-11-01 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 3 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | mo |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].site[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].site[0].coding[0].code[0] | 16982005 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].site[0].coding[0].display[0] | Shoulder |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 78421000 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | intramuscular route |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].dose[0].unit[0] | ampoule |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].dose[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].dose[0].code[0] | 413516001 |
MedicationRequest |
id : 6062d3bb-f6cf-41ec-aa71-dcd42299b10f |
contained |
id : med1 |
code |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 24856311000001103 |
display : Hydroxocobalamin 10mg/2ml solution for injection ampoules |
status : active |
intent : order |
medication |
reference : #med1 |
subject |
identifier |
system : https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number |
value : 9999999999 |
dosageInstruction |
sequence : 1 |
timing |
repeat |
count : 6 |
frequency : 3 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : wk |
site |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 16982005 |
display : Shoulder |
route |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 78421000 |
display : intramuscular route |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : ampoule |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 413516001 |
dosageInstruction |
sequence : 2 |
timing |
repeat |
bounds |
start : 2019-11-01 |
frequency : 1 |
period : 3 |
periodUnit : mo |
site |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 16982005 |
display : Shoulder |
route |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 78421000 |
display : intramuscular route |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : ampoule |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 413516001 |