
Basisprofil for Norwegian Address information. Defined by The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth and HL7 Norway. The profile adds Norwegian specific property information, official use of address and further explanation of the use for the data-elements in a Norwegian address. The basis profile is open, but derived profiles should restrict further the information elements according to specification relevant to the use-case.

The full documentation of the profile

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Resource content

Could not find subject. File was not found for HL7Norwayno-basis/no-basis-Address

CodeSystem mapping

Two codesystems for address are currently in use in the Norwegian healthcare sector, both are registered on Volven with oids 3401 and 7411. The mapping of values to the ones used in FHIR STU3 and FHIR R4 is shown in the table below. The table maps code used in elements "Address.use" and "address.type". The official code is added as an extension to the no-basis-Address profile and makes it possible to denote official norwegian addresses registered in "Folkeregisteret".

official use type 3401 7311
- home both H Bostedsadresse H Bostedsadresse for personer
true home * HP Folkeregisteradresse
- work * WP Arbeidsadresse
- * postal PST Postadresse for organisasjoner
- temp * HV Ferieadresse, TMP Midlertidig adresse
- old * BAD Ubrukelig adresse
- home billing (R4) INV Faktureringsadresse
- home postal PST Postadresse
- home physical RES Besøksadresse


Example patient resource conformant to no-basis-Patient uses the no-basis-Address:

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