**Page Status:** updated 2022-11-25 # NLLTransactionBundle (Bundle) ### Page index * [Introduction](#intro) * [Overview](#overview) * [Details](#details) * [Provenance details](#provenance-details) * [Error handling](#error-handling) * [Supported operations](#operations) * [HTTP methods](#http-methods) * [Query operations](#query-operations) * [Examples](#examples) ## Introduction {#intro} The profile {{link: NLLTransactionBundle}} is used when managing multiple resources in a transaction. Supported profiles in an transaction bunlde are - MedicationRequest (Sv. Förskrivning) - NLLDataLock (sv.Spärr) - NLLMultiDoseDispensingBasis (Sv. Dosunderlag) - NLLMultiDoseDispConsent (Sv. Dossamtycke) - NLLMedicationDispense (Sv. uttag) - NLLDispensePaperPrescription (Sv. uttag pappersrecept) More information about recommended scenarion is described in ["Resurssamling – Bundle, Handbok för vård och apoteksaktörer - Nationella läkemedelslistan.][5] and in [Examples](#examples) Regarding information about how the "must support"-property is used in the Swedish National MedicationList, please refer to the page {{pagelink:Resources}} In this use case the endpoint is `[base]` and not `[base]/Bundle`. ## Overview {#overview} {{tree:NLLTransactionBundle, snapshot}} ## Details {#details} Description of all elements can be found here, [Element descriptions][2]. ### Provenance details, activity and reason {#provenance-details} The resource activities and for separate resaons. Therefore this data, which usually is provided in the header x-provenance, is now sent per resource within the bundle. This is done on the extension Bundle.entry.request.extension:nllProvenanceDetails {{link:NLLProvenanceDetails}} which gives the possibility to provide a unique "activity" and "reason"(when needed) for each reource. ### Error handling {#error-handling} If an error is detected on one of resources in the bundle the requests are rejected with an HTTP status of 4xx. The returned {{pagelink:OperationOutcome}} will contain information about the detected issues and errors. ## Supported operations {#operations} ### HTTP methods {#http-methods} | Operation | Supported | Comment | |- | POST | yes | See comment below | Example: A new resource is created by setting entry.request.method to POST. An existing resource is updated by setting entry.request.method to PUT. The result is eighter a Bundle of type transaction-response with one entry per entry in the incoming Bundle or an OperationOutcome if the request was rejected. When interacting with this resource a set of HTTP-headers must be included in the request, see {{pagelink:HttpHeaderAndAuthorization}}. ### Query operations {#query-operations} *Search is not supported for this resource.* ## Examples {#examples} See {{pagelink:Bundles-TransactionBundle.md}} [1]: "HL7 FHIR Bundle" [2]: "Element details" [3]: "Element language mappings" [4]: "Handbok för vård och apoteksaktörer - Nationella läkemedelslistan" [5]: "Resurssamling – Bundle, Handbok för vård och apoteksaktörer - Nationella läkemedelslistan"