# Exercise In this exercise you will set up a Simplifier project and publish profile(s) to your project from Forge. You will learn how you can optimally benefit from using Simplifier by using the Issue Tracker, version history, validation and GitHub integration. You will also learn how to browse the HL7 FHIR registry. Start by reading the case description. Here below are a couple of links that you may find useful during this exercise: * [Download Forge](https://simplifier.net/forge/download "Download Forge") * [Simplifier](https://simplifier.net) * [GitHub](https://github.com) * [FHIR registry](https://registry.fhir.org) ## Steps to follow ### 1. Set up a project 1. Go to your user portal in [Simplifier](https://simplifier.net). 2. Create a new project and provide a meaningful title and description. 3. The default selection for FHIR is version STU3. Keep this unchanged. 4. For the scope of your project, choose ``Test``. Note that would this have been a real-life project ``Regional`` would have been a better option. 5. Start by adding an Introduction to your project. You can use the text in the Case description as a starting point. 6. Go to the ``Members`` tab. Add your team members by their e-mail address and select their desired role (reader, writer or admin). ### 2. Publish profile(s) from Forge In this exercise you can use (one of) the profiles that you created in other modules (e.g. the Patient profile you created in the Start Profiling module or the FamilyMemberHistory profile you created in the Terminology module). You can also build a new profile yourself or use an existing one from another source. 1. Open your profile(s) in Forge. 2. Publish your profile(s) to Simplifier by going to the ``File`` menu and selecting the option ``Publish to Simplifier``. 3. Provide your credentials and select your project. 4. Click on ``Save``. ### 3. Browsing Simplifier and the FHIR registry 1. Visit the [Simplifier](https://simplifier.net) homepage. 2. Search for the Dutch national project describing standards for the use of HL7 FHIR at the Dutch national level. 3. Within the project search for an example of an instance of a Patient. 4. Go to the [FHIR registry](https://registry.fhir.org) 5. Search for the patient you found in step 3. Hint: use resourceType:Patient to limit search results to resources of type Patient only. ### 4. Using the Issue Tracker (only available in Team account or higher) 1. Open your project in Simplifier and go to its properties. 2. Enable issues. Note that by default issues are only visible to your team members. 3. Set ``Issues Visibility`` to Public to make them visible to other users of Simplifier. Note that they need to be logged in to see them. They can now comment on your issues, but they can't add new issues. 4. Set ``Community Issues`` to public to allow other users of Simplifier to add new issues. Note that they can edit or close their own issues, but they can only comment on issues of others. As an admin member of the project you can edit or close all issues. 5. Open one of your profiles. 6. Go to the ``Issues`` tab and create a New issue, for example: "This resource needs review". 7. Reopen the issue, add a comment (for example "Review completed") and close the issue. 8. Note that you can also add issues at the Project level. ### 5. Version history 1. Open your project in Simplifier and open one of your profiles. 2. Update the resource by clicking the ``Update`` button and selecting ``Edit: Update by editing the last version``. Add some additional text in the narrative. 3. Go to the ``History`` tab and compare the two versions of the profile that you now have. Try out different options for comparison, such as ``Formatted XML`` or ``Structure``. 4. Restore your resource to its original state. ### 6. Validation 1. Open your project in Simplifier and open one of your profiles. 2. Click on the ``Validate`` button. 3. Copy the XML code of your resource to your clipboard by clicking on the ``Download`` button and selecting ``Copy to clipboard as XML``. 4. Open the Snippet tool by clicking on the ``Snippet`` button at the top right of the page. 5. Paste the XML code and add some random mistake in it. 6. Create your Snippet and validate your code again using the Snippet tool. ### 7. GitHub integration (only available in Team account or higher) 1. Create a [GitHub](https://github.com) repository. You can register for a free account if you do not have one yet. 2. Add one or more files to your repository. The easiest way is to clone the registry to a location on your desktop. 3. Open your project in Simplifier. 4. Link your project to GitHub by clicking the ``GitHub`` button and selecting ``Link to GitHub Repository``. 5. First you need to provide your GitHub credentials if you're not signed in yet. 6. Select the desired ``Delete strategy``. By default resources that are deleted in your GitHub repository will also be deleted in your Simplifier project, but you can also choose to keep them in Simplifier. 7. Select the desired ``Import fail strategy``. By default resource that can't be imported are skipped, but you can also choose to abort the entire synchronization. 8. Select the repository you want to link to your Simplifier project from the drop down list. 9. Select the branch of the repository that you want to synchronize your Simplifier project to. Usually this will be the master branch.