Smart4Health FHIR packages

All FHIR artifacts published in this IG, as well as all available examples, are released in the form of a FHIR package at regular intervals. The unique package ID is

Each release has version assigned according to the rules of semantic versioning and all released version are listed and searchable in the FHIR package registry. Standard FHIR tooling (e.g. the command-line validator) can automatically pull these packages from the registry. The Smart4Health package can also be downloaded from the project page:

Notice that the rendered version of the Smart4Health implementation guide (and the corresponding resources in the repository) represents the latest build and will hence usually be ahead of the latest FHIR package release. That is, the artifacts on the simplifier platform may differ from those in even the most recent release - the most recently added artifacts may not even be available in a released package. For productive use, systems should hence use the artifacts from the latest FHIR package.