Record Locator & Exchange FHIR Master Patient Index Load 1.1.0

Customers use FHIR® messages to provide Surescripts their member roster of patients that have given consent to be populated in the Surescripts Record Locator & Exchange (RLE) Master Patient Index (MPI). Surescripts uses that data from the customer to establish uniqueness for individuals across all customers. Surescripts’ search process uses demographics to identify a patient and then uses the customer’s unique member ID to communicate with the requesting and responding locations.

Some things to consider with the RLE FHIR MPI messages:

  • To load patients to the RLE MPI, customers will use the FHIR Patient resource profile created by Surescripts.

  • The message will be a POST with only a Patient FHIR payload.

  • Surescripts supports JSON and XML messages.

  • HTTP headers are required.

  • Surescripts uses the Active field in the FHIR Patient resource to determine whether to set the expiration date for sharing the patient:

    • Active = true: Indicates the patient can be shared (MPI expiration date should be null/empty).
    • Active = false: Indicates the patient cannot be shared (MPI expiration date should be set to the system date).
    • Active = empty: FHIR processing will default to false and the patient will be inactivated (MPI expiration date will be set to the system date).
    • Note: If the patient opts out of information sharing from a specific customer, they should be excluded or inactivated from the RLE MPI.

Guide contents: