NHS Digital FHIR Medicines


This message definition describes the rules for a Dispense Notification Update interactions used in a FHIR Messaging exchange.

Event Coding

System Code
Message Events dispense-notification-update


The FHIR Message Bundle MUST contain one MessageHeader resource conforming to NHSDigital-MessageHeader

The structure on this message is exactly the same as dispense-notification with the extension Extension-replacementOf mandatory, this points to the Bundle.identifier of the updated dispense-notification Message.


Profile Min Max Notes
NHSDigital-MedicationDispense 1 4
NHSDigital-Patient 0 1 A traced NHS Number identifier MUST be present, untraced NHS Numbers are not permitted. This can be conveyed in two ways, as identifier reference in the subject element of the MedicationDispense resource or as an identifier in a Patient resource. If a NHS Number identifier is referenced in the MedicationDispense resources then a Patient resource SHOULD NOT be present in the Bundle.
NHSDigital-Practitioner 0 0 MUST NOT be present in the Bundle. References to Practitioner MUST use identifier refernces, acceptable identifiers are listed in the NHSDigital-Practitioner profile. GMC Reference Number MUST NOT be used as a Practitioner identifier
NHSDigital-PractitionerRole 0 0 MUST NOT be present in the Bundle. References to PractitionerRole MUST use identifier refernces, acceptable identifiers are listed in the NHSDigital-PractitionerRole profile
NHSDigital-Organization 0 0 MUST NOT be present in the Bundle. References to Practitioner MUST use identifier refernces (ODS/ANANA Codes), acceptable identifiers are listed in the NHSDigital-Organization profile
<MessageDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
    <id value="dispense-notification-update" />
    <url value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/MessageDefinition/dispense-notification-update" />
        <system value="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122" />
        <value value="16aa190c-9ef3-49b3-b323-a40148f0f072" />
    <version value="1.0.1" />
    <name value="NHSDigitalDispenseNotificationUpdate" />
    <title value="Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense Update" />
    <status value="retired" />
    <date value="2022-03-01" />
    <description value="Notification of medication dispenses." />
        <system value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/CodeSystem/message-event" />
        <code value="dispense-notification-update" />
        <display value="Dispense Notification Update" />
    <category value="notification" />
        <code value="MedicationDispense" />
        <profile value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/StructureDefinition/NHSDigital-MedicationDispense-Message" />
        <min value="1" />
        <max value="*" />
    "resourceType": "MessageDefinition",
    "id": "dispense-notification-update",
    "url": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/MessageDefinition/dispense-notification-update",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122",
            "value": "16aa190c-9ef3-49b3-b323-a40148f0f072"
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "name": "NHSDigitalDispenseNotificationUpdate",
    "title": "Pharmacy/Treatment Dispense Update",
    "status": "retired",
    "date": "2022-03-01",
    "description": "Notification of medication dispenses.",
    "eventCoding": {
        "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/CodeSystem/message-event",
        "code": "dispense-notification-update",
        "display": "Dispense Notification Update"
    "category": "notification",
    "focus":  [
            "code": "MedicationDispense",
            "profile": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/StructureDefinition/NHSDigital-MedicationDispense-Message",
            "min": 1,
            "max": "*"
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