NHS Digital FHIR Medicines

Fulfilment States

EPS has an internal state engine which is used to manage the processing of the prescription (FHIR Task).


Direct State Changes

The Task fulfilment state can be manipulated directly via

The updated Task received by EPS follows these rules:

Task.status Task.statusReason Description Resulting Task.status
failed 0004 Expired
cancelled 0005 Cancelled
rejected 0007 Not Dispensed ready

On release the Task in EPS is changed to:

Task.status Task.statusReason
accepted 0002 With Dispenser

Cancelling dispense-notifications can also result in a Task.status change.

Condition Task.status Task.statusReason
If no dispensing activity recorded accepted 0002 With Dispenser

Indirect State Changes

It indirectly manipulatd by Prescription Ordering Requests and Prescription Dispensing events.

MedicationRequest.status (Prescription Order)

MedicationRequest.status condition Task.status Notes
active if nominated requested Task is created in EPS
active if not nominated ready Task is created in EPS
cancelled if not with a dispenser cancelled
cancelled if with a dispenser (active or not) failed when the dispenser returns the prescription this will turn to cancelled

MedicationDispense.status and MedicationDispense.prescriptionStatus

The Task status is linked to the prescription status held in ExtensionEPSTaskBusinessStatus

MedicationDispense.prescriptionStatus Description Task.status MedicationRequest.status
0003 With Dispenser - Active in-progress
0006 Dispensed completed completed

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