This code system defines the following codes:
Code | Display |
patientChoice | Patient Choice in Service Selection | |
adjustcommunicationforhearingsensoryimpairment | Adjust communication for hearing / sensory impairment | |
adjustforatypicalexpressionofpain | Adjust for atypical expression of pain | |
adjustforuseofcommunicationbookaid | Adjust for use of communication book / aid | |
advocatetobepresent | Advocate to be present | |
carertobepresentforallcommunication | Carer to be present for all communication | |
patientlikelytoalwaysrespondinthepositive | Patient likely to always respond in the positive | |
provideappointmentreminders | Provide appointment reminders | |
providewrittenremindersandadvice | Provide written reminders and advice | |
reasonableadjustmentforcommunicationnodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for communication (no detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmentforcommunicationseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for communication (see detail provided) | |
patientnottobeleftalone | Patient not to be left alone | |
adjusttoinvolvecarersinallaspectsofcare | Adjust to involve Carers in all aspects of care | |
lastingpowerofattorney | Lasting Power of Attorney | |
additionalsupportfordischarge | Additional support for discharge | |
supportforvisualsensoryimpairment | Support for visual /sensory impairment | |
reasonableadjustmentforadditionalsupportseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for additional support (see detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmentforadditionalsupportnodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for additional support (no detail provided) | |
adjustforneedlephobia | Adjust for needle phobia | |
dislikesuniformswhitecoats | Dislikes uniforms / white coats | |
respondstodistraction | Responds to distraction | |
hasanticipatorycarecrisisplan | Has anticipatory care /crisis plan | |
willonlytoleratemedicationsincertainformat | Will only tolerate medications in certain format | |
maleorfemaleonlysupport | Male or Female only support | |
reasonableadjustmenttopersonalisationseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to personalisation (see detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmenttopersonalisationnodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to personalisation (no detail provided) | |
adjustforlownoisestimulus | Adjust for low noise stimulus | |
adjustforsingleroom | Adjust for single room | |
wheelchairaccess | Wheelchair access | |
adjustforspecialistequipment | Adjust for specialist equipment | |
adjustforlowlightstimulus | Adjust for low light stimulus | |
adjustminimisewaitingtimes | Adjust / minimise waiting times | |
reasonableadjustmenttoenvironmentseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to environment (see detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmenttoenvironmentnodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to environment (no detail provided) | |
offerfirstorlastappointment | Offer first or last appointment | |
considerhomevisits | Consider Home Visits | |
providelongerappointment | Provide longer appointment | |
provideadditionaltimefordecisionmakingprocessing | Provide additional time for decision making / processing | |
adjustforhighlevelsofanxiety | Adjust for high levels of anxiety | |
considerdesensitisationforanyprocedure | Consider desensitisation for any procedure | |
considerpreoutpatientoradmissionvisit | Consider pre outpatient or admission visit | |
reasonableadjustmenttoservicedeliveryseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to service delivery (see detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmenttoservicedeliverynodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment to service delivery (no detail provided) | |
monitorforconstipation | Monitor for constipation | |
monitorfordehydration | Monitor for dehydration | |
monitornutrition | Monitor nutrition | |
monitorforpressuresores | Monitor for pressure sores | |
monitorfordysphagia | Monitor for Dysphagia | |
monitorforself-harm | Monitor for self-harm | |
monitorforepilepsy | Monitor for epilepsy | |
reasonableadjustmentforspecificrisksseedetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for specific risks (see detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmentforspecificrisksnodetailprovided | Reasonable adjustment for specific risks (no detail provided) | |
reasonableadjustmentsforhealthandcareaccess | Reasonable adjustments for health and care access | |
doeslipread | Does lip read | |
doesusecommunicationdevice | Does use communication device | |
doesusehearingaid | Does use hearing aid | |
preferredmethodofcommunicationwritten | Preferred method of communication: written | |
usesa citizenadvocate | Uses a citizen advocate | |
usesa legaladvocate | Uses a legal advocate | |
usesalternativecommunicationskill | Uses alternative communication skill | |
usesbritishsignlanguage | Uses British sign language | |
usescuedspeechtransliterator | Uses cued speech transliterator | |
usesdeafblindintervener | Uses deafblind intervener | |
usesdeafblindmanualalphabet | Uses Deafblind Manual Alphabet | |
useselectronicnotetaker | Uses electronic note taker | |
useslipspeaker | Uses lipspeaker | |
usesmakatonsignlanguage | Uses Makaton sign language | |
usesmanualnotetaker | Uses manual note taker | |
usespersonalaudiorecordingdevicetorecordinformation | Uses personal audio recording device to record information | |
usespersonalcommunicationpassport | Uses Personal Communication Passport | |
usessignlanguage | Uses sign language | |
usesspeechtotextreporter | Uses speech to text reporter | |
usestelecommunicationsdeviceforthedeaf | Uses telecommunications device for the deaf | |
britishsignlanguageinterpreterneeded | British Sign Language interpreter needed | |
hands-onsigninginterpreterneeded | Hands-on signing interpreter needed | |
makatonsignlanguageinterpreterneeded | Makaton Sign Language interpreter needed | |
needsanadvocate | Needs an advocate | |
requiresdeafblindblockalphabetinterpreter | Requires deafblind block alphabet interpreter | |
requiresdeafblindcommunicatorguide | Requires deafblind communicator guide | |
requiresdeafblindhapticcommunicationinterpreter | Requires deafblind haptic communication interpreter | |
requiresdeafblindmanualalphabetinterpreter | Requires deafblind manual alphabet interpreter | |
requireslipspeaker | Requires lipspeaker | |
requiresmanualnotetaker | Requires manual note taker | |
requiressightedguide | Requires sighted guide | |
requiresspeechtotextreporter | Requires speech to text reporter | |
signsupportedenglishinterpreterneeded | Sign Supported English interpreter needed | |
visualframesignlanguageinterpreterneeded | Visual frame sign language interpreter needed | |
requiresaudiblealert | Requires audible alert | |
requirescontactbyemail | Requires contact by email | |
requirescontactbyletter | Requires contact by letter | |
requirescontactbyshortmessageservicetextmessage | Requires contact by short message service text message | |
requirescontactbytelephone | Requires contact by telephone | |
requirescontactbytextrelay | Requires contact by text relay | |
requirescontactviacarer | Requires contact via carer | |
requirestactilealert | Requires tactile alert | |
requiresvisualalert | Requires visual alert | |
requireshealthcareinformationrecordingonpersonalaudiorecordingdevice | Requires healthcare information recording on personal audio recording device | |
requiresinformationbyemail | Requires information by email | |
requiresinformationincontractedgrade2braille | Requires information in contracted (Grade 2) Braille | |
requiresinformationineasyread | Requires information in Easyread | |
requiresinformationinelectronicaudioformat | Requires information in electronic audio format | |
requiresinformationinelectronicdownloadableformat | Requires information in electronic downloadable format | |
requiresinformationinmakaton | Requires information in Makaton | |
requiresinformationinmoonalphabet | Requires information in Moon alphabet | |
requiresinformationinuncontractedgrade1braille | Requires information in uncontracted (Grade 1) Braille | |
requiresinformationonaudiocassettetape | Requires information on audio cassette tape | |
requiresinformationoncompactdisc | Requires information on compact disc | |
requiresinformationondigitalversatiledisc | Requires information on digital versatile disc | |
requiresinformationonuniversalserialbusmassstoragedevice | Requires information on universal serial bus mass storage device | |
requiresinformationverbally | Requires information verbally | |
requiresthirdpartytoreadoutwritteninformation | Requires third party to read out written information | |
requireswritteninformationinatleast20pointsansseriffont | Requires written information in at least 20 point sans serif font | |
requireswritteninformationinatleast24pointsansseriffont | Requires written information in at least 24 point sans serif font | |
requireswritteninformationinatleast28pointsansseriffont | Requires written information in at least 28 point sans serif font | |