NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.0.0 | Core v1.0.0

HTTP Error Codes

This code system https://fhir.nhs.uk/CodeSystem/http-error-codes defines the following codes:

SEND_BAD_REQUEST400: The API was unable to process the request.The API has given a 400 response to the Senders request.
REC_BAD_REQUEST400: The Receiver was unable to process the request.The Receiver has given a 400 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_BAD_REQUEST400: The Proxy was unable to process the request.The Proxy has given a 400 response internally to the Senders request.
BAD_REQUEST400: The Server was unable to process the request.The Server has given a 400 response to the Senders request.
SEND_UNAUTHORIZED401: The API deemed you unauthorized to make this request.The API has given a 401 response to the Senders request.
REC_UNAUTHORIZED401: The Receiver deemed you unauthorized to make this request.The Receiver has given a 401 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED401: The Proxy deemed you unauthorized to make this request.The Proxy has given a 401 response internally to the Senders request.
UNAUTHORIZED401: The Server deemed you unauthorized to make this request.The Server has given a 401 response to the Senders request.
SEND_FORBIDDEN403: Failed to authenticate with the API.The API has given a 403 response to the Senders request.
REC_FORBIDDEN403: Failed to authenticate with the Receiver.The Receiver has given a 403 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_FORBIDDEN403: Failed to authenticate with the Receiver.The Proxy has given a 403 response to the Senders request.
FORBIDDEN403: Failed to Authenticate with the Server.The Server has given a 403 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_NOT_FOUND404: The Proxy was unable to find the specified resource.The Proxy has given a 404 response to the Senders request.
REC_NOT_FOUND404: The Receiver was unable to find the specified resource.The Receiver has given a 404 response to the Senders request.
NOT_FOUND404: The Server was unable to find the specified resource.The Server has given a 404 response to the Senders request.
SEND_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED405: This API doesnt allow this method.The API has given a 405 response to the Senders request.
REC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED405: The Receiver doesnt allow this method.The Receiver has given a 405 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED405: The Proxy doesnt allow this method.The Proxy has given a 405 response to the Senders request.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED405: This method is not allowed.The Server has given a 405 response to the Senders request.
SEND_NOT_ACCEPTABLE406: Senders message had an incorrect content type defined for a response.The API has given a 406 response to the Senders request.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE406: Senders message had an incorrect content type defined for a response.The Server has given a 406 response to the Senders request.
REC_TIMEOUT408: The request timed out to the receiver.The Receiver has given a 408 resonse to the Senders request
PROXY_TIMEOUT408: The request timed out internally.The Proxy has given a 408 response internally to the Senders request.
TIMEOUT408: The request timed out.The Server has given a 408 response to the Senders request.
SEND_CONFLICT409: The API identified a conflict.The API has given a 409 response to the Senders request.
REC_CONFLICT409: The Receiver identified a conflict.The Receiver has given a 409 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_CONFLICT409: The Proxy identified a conflict.The Proxy has given a 409 response to the Senders request.
CONFLICT409: The Server identified a conflict.The Server has given a 409 response to the Senders request.
SEND_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY422: Message was not malformed but deemed unprocessable by the API.The API has given a 422 response to the Senders request.
REC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY422: Message was not malformed but deemed unprocessable by the Receiver.The Receiver has given a 422 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY422: Message was not malformed but deemed unprocessable by the Proxy.The Proxy has given a 422 response to the Senders request.
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY422: Message was not malformed but deemed unprocessable by the server.The Server has given a 422 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS429: Too many requests have been made by this source to the Proxy in a given amount of time.The Proxy has given a 429 response internally to the Senders request.
SEND_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS429: Too many requests have been made by this source to the API in a given amount of time.The API has given a 429 response to the Senders request.
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS429: Too many requests have been made by this source in a given amount of time.The Server has given a 429 response to the Senders request.
REC_SERVER_ERROR500: The Receiver has encountered an error processing the request.The Receiver has given a 500 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_SERVER_ERROR500: The Proxy has encountered an error processing the request.The Proxy has given a 500 response to the Senders request.
SERVER_ERROR500: The Server has encountered an error processing the request.The Server has given a 500 response to the Senders request.
SEND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED501:The Request was not recognized by the API.The API has given a 501 response to the Senders request.
REC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED501: The Request was not recognized by the Receiver.The Receiver has given a 501 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED501: The Request was not recognized by the Proxy.The Proxy has given a 501 response to the Senders request.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED501: The Request was not recognized by the server.The Server has given a 501 response to the Senders request.
PROXY_UNAVAILABLE503: An internal component is unavailableThe Proxy has given a 503 response internally to the Senders request.
REC_UNAVAILABLE503: The Receiver is currently unavailable.The Receiver has given a 503 response to the Senders request.
UNAVAILABLE503: The Server is currently unavailable.The Receiver has given a 503 response to the Senders request.

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