NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.0.1 | Core v1.0.0

General Failure Scenarios

This section will define errors that could be seen in any given step and shared from function to function without context. All interactions MUST follow these rules as such they may be listed in different sections.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue.Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required Content invalid against the specification or a profile. For example a required parameter or header is not provided. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value a header value or parameter is invalid. (these are defined in each specific scenario) Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST not-supported in FOT for when a function or feature in the standard is not yet supported. Receiver
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST structure When Base-64 decoding of the NHSD-Target-Identifier header fails. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST structure The NHSD-Target-Identifier header doesn't adhere to the schema API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED login / expired The sender has not provided a token or it has expired or is otherwise invalid. API
405 SEND_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED not-supported using the wrong http verb. For example GET instead of POST API
406 SEND_NOT_ACCEPTABLE processing The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Versions in Accept or content.

Version is not present in FOT and should be ignored in FOT if presented. Post FOT it MUST be evaluated.
406 REC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE processing The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Versions in Accept or content.

Version is not present in FOT and should be ignored in FOT if presented. Post FOT it MUST be evaluated.
429 SEND_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS throttled when rate limiting is applied. API
409 REC_TIMEOUT timeout Injected when a 504 is generated in the proxy due to a receiver timing out on a response. API Injected
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR transient An unexpected exception has occurred during processing at the receiver. Receiver/ API Injected
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER ERROR transient An unexpected exception has occurred during processing internally. API
501 REC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED not-supported The receiver has not yet implemented that endpoint or functionality. Receiver


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