Implementation Guide - Orthopy App Export


The purpose of this document is to describe the machine-readable data export for the Digital Health Application Orthopy to enable interoperability. It contains the interoperability requirements according to paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Digitale Gesundheits Veordnung (DiGAV) The data export can be triggered from inside the app by the patient. Please note, patients decide themselves if, when and where to these data shall be shared / exported. Orthopy won't share any user data.

Target audience

This document is for people who create orthopedic / physiotherapeutic digital health apps, as well as others involved in standardization, science and those who are interested in the topic. It's especially for those who want to make sure that digital health apps can work together and share data easily.

Data Export Specification

The data export is provided as machine-readable XML file (FHIR, R4) and follows the specifications of the MIO DiGA Toolkit ( This is the recommended setting for digital health applications in Germany. All information is gathered in a Bundle object (see below). Where possible, we are using recognized standards like SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms) or LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes). Furthermore Orthopy also provides a human-readable export, which can also be triggered from inside the app.

Resource Types Used

Resource Type
MIO documentation
Bundle Contains all information that is exported Bundle
Composition The composition serves as the content registry of the bundle Composition
Device Part of the overall metadata of the medical device Device
DeviceDefinition Part of the overall metadata of the medical device DeviceDefinition
Patient Representation of basic data of the user Patient
Appointment Information about appointments, e.g. a surgery date Appointment
Condition_Problem Contains information about the stated diagnose / condition Condition
Observation Contains further information given by the patient about the current treatment conditions like rang of motion, allowed load specification etc. Observation
Observation_Score_or_Assessment_by_Scale Contains information about questionnaires and / or patient reported outcomes (e.g. Knee Outcome Score or VAS) that patients provide in regular evaluations Oberservation_Score_or_
Procedure_Activity Represents the data actively and passively collected from regular trainings and exercises, like date, type of training, user rating, etc. Procedure_Activty
Goal Contains information about goals users set for themselves, including Goal
Questionnaire_Response Contains filled questionnaires (self-developed) that users can fill out Questionnaire_Response