
This guide contains clinical building blocks (CBBs) and their related HL7 FHIR R4 compliant profiles and related conformance materials for data collections supported by (Sciensano).


  1. How to read this guide
  2. Index of CBBs
  3. Index of draft CBBs

How to read this guide

This guide is divided into several pages, which are listed at the top of each page in the menu bar.

  • Home: The home page provides the introduction, background and index of CBB and their respective profiles.

  • Guidance: These pages provide overall guidance in creating, using or implementing profiles and transactions defined in this guide.

    • General Guidance provides guidance, definitions and requirements common to all actors used in this guide.
    • Profling Guidelines provides documentation and conventions for profile authors.
  • CBB: Links to CBB pages that provide the formal CBB definition, dictionary, examples and changelog to the zibs. CBBs are presented in several forms:

    • Rendered view: A dynamic and clickable tree view structure of the CBB. Contains detailed descriptions shown when hovering over an element.
    • Table view: The table view shows all concepts together with their datatype and cardinality in one tabular view.
    • Detailed Descriptions: This shows the complete dictionary with all details.
  • Profiles: Links to pages that provide formal definitions, detailed descriptions, usage and examples for all the FHIR objects defined in this guide. Profile pages bundle all profiles belonging to their respective CBB. Profiles have several presentation forms:

    • Snapshot: a fully calculated form of the structure. It contains the rendering of profile constraints on top of all its base resource definitions. Please note that '0..0' elements are not shown in the snapshot rendering.
    • Differential: this describes only the differences that the profile makes relative to the structure definition (FHIR resource) they constrain.
    • Hybrid: a hybrid view of the snapshot and differential views. The base definition elements which are not constrained by the profile are shown greyed out.

    Further information from HL7 relating to profiling is available on the HL7 FHIR Profiling page.

    Resource examples are rendered in the following formats:

    • JSON: a rendering in JSON format.
    • XML: a rendering in XML format.
    • Tree: an interactive tree view (experimental).
    • Table: a tabular view of the example.
  • Artifacts Summary: These pages provide lists and overview pages per category for all relevant artefacts defined in this guide.

Index of CBBs

The table below contains links to CBBs as logical models that have undergone manual adaptation to the national landscape by the team and their stakeholders.

A - C C - I I - P P - T
AbilityToEat ContactPerson LaboratoryTestResult ParticipationInSociety
AbilityToGroom DispenseRequest LanguageProficiency Patient
AbilityToManageMedication DOSScore LegalSituation Pregnancy
AbilityToPerformMouthcareActivities Education LifeStance PressureUlcer
AbilityToPerformNursingActivities Encounter LivingSituation Problem
AbilityToUseToilet EpisodeOfCare MaritalStatus Procedure
AbilityToWashOneself FamilyHistory MedicalDevice PulseRate
AdministrationAgreement FamilySituation MedicationAdministration2 Range
AddressInformation FamilySituationChild MedicationAgreement Refraction
AdvanceDirective FeedingPatternInfant MedicationContraIndication Respiration
Alert FeedingTubeSystem MedicationDispense SkinDisorder
AllergyIntolerance FluidBalance MedicationUse2 SNAQScore
AnatomicalLocation FreedomRestrictingIntervention Mobility SOAPReport
ApgarScore FunctionalOrMentalStatus NameInformation Stoma
BarthelADLIndex GlasgowComaScale Nationality TextResult
BladderFunction HealthcareProvider NursingIntervention TimeInterval
BloodPressure HealthProfessional NutritionAdvice TNMTumorClassification
BodyHeight HearingFunction O2Saturation TobaccoUse
Burnwound HeartRate OutcomeOfCare TreatmentDirective2
CareTeam HelpFromOthers PainCharacteristics TreatmentObjective
ContactInformation IllnessPerception PainScore

Index of draft CBBs

The table below contains all CBBs, as raw output of conversion scripts, that will be reviewed and adapted to the national landscape by the team and their stakeholders.The CBBs have not been worked on yet. They are merely added for informative use. Over time, this table will diminish as CBBs are added to the table above.

A - C C - I I - P P - T
AbilityToDressOneself ContactPerson Infusion Payer
AbilityToDrink DAS InstructionsForUse PharmaceuticalProduct
AbilityToEat DevelopmentChild LaboratoryTestResult ParticipationInSociety
AbilityToGroom DispenseRequest LanguageProficiency Patient
AbilityToManageMedication DOSScore LegalSituation Pregnancy
AbilityToPerformMouthcareActivities Education LifeStance PressureUlcer
AbilityToPerformNursingActivities Encounter LivingSituation Problem
AbilityToUseToilet EpisodeOfCare MaritalStatus Procedure
AbilityToWashOneself FamilyHistory MedicalDevice PulseRate
AdministrationAgreement FamilySituation MedicationAdministration2 Range
AddressInformation FamilySituationChild MedicationAgreement Refraction
AdvanceDirective FeedingPatternInfant MedicationContraIndication Respiration
Alert FeedingTubeSystem MedicationDispense SkinDisorder
AllergyIntolerance FluidBalance MedicationUse2 SNAQScore
AnatomicalLocation FreedomRestrictingIntervention Mobility SOAPReport
ApgarScore FunctionalOrMentalStatus NameInformation Stoma
BarthelADLIndex GlasgowComaScale Nationality TextResult
BladderFunction HealthcareProvider NursingIntervention TimeInterval
BloodPressure HealthProfessional NutritionAdvice TNMTumorClassification
BodyHeight HearingFunction O2Saturation TobaccoUse
Burnwound HeartRate OutcomeOfCare TreatmentDirective2
CareTeam HelpFromOthers PainCharacteristics TreatmentObjective
ContactInformation IllnessPerception PainScore