OperationDefintion: GPConnect-GetStructuredRecord-Operation-1
URL: [base]/Patient/$gpc.getstructuredrecord
Parameters (In)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Documentation |
patientNHSNumber | 1..1 | Identifier | The NHS number of the patient whose record is being extracted, which must be traced or verified against the national demographics index. |
includeAllergies | 0..1 | Include resources representing a patient's allergies and intolerances in the response bundle. By default, resolved allergies and intolerances are not included. | |
includeAllergies.includeResolvedAllergies | 1..1 | Boolean | Include resolved allergies and intolerances in the response bundle. |
includeMedication | 0..1 | Include resources representing a patient's medication record in the response bundle. | |
includeMedication.includePrescriptionIssues | 0..1 | Boolean | Include each prescription issue in the response. By default, prescription issues are not included. |
includeMedication.medicationSearchFromDate | 0..1 | Date | Restrict the patient's medication record to those that are active on or after medicationSearchFromDate. |
includeMedication.filterPrescriptionType | 0..* | Code | Filter the patient's medication records returned according to the specified prescription type(s) for the medicationRequests. Any medicationRequest resources with no prescriptionType code will be included against requests for an acute prescription type. |
includeConsultations | 0..1 | Include consultations in the response. | |
includeConsultations.consultationSearchPeriod | 0..1 | Period | Restrict consultations by defining a time period. |
includeConsultations.includeNumberOfMostRecent | 0..1 | PositiveInt | Limit the number of returned consultations. |
includeProblems | 0..1 | Include problems in the response. | |
includeProblems.filterStatus | 0..1 | Code | Restrict the problems that are returned by their clinical status. |
includeImmunisations | 0..1 | Include immunisations in the response. | |
includeImmunisations.includeNotGiven | 0..1 | Boolean | Include immunisations not given in the response. |
includeImmunisations.includeStatus | 0..1 | Boolean | Include information about the status for immunisations in the response. |
includeUncategorisedData | 0..1 | Include uncategorised data in the response. | |
includeUncategorisedData.uncategorisedDataSearchPeriod | 0..1 | Period | Restrict uncategorised data by defining a time period. |
includeDiaryEntries | 0..1 | Include diary entries in the response. | |
includeDiaryEntries.diaryEntriesSearchDate | 0..1 | Date | Include diary entries prior to the the diaryEntriesSearchDate. |
includeInvestigations | 0..1 | Include investigations in the response. | |
includeInvestigations.investigationSearchPeriod | 0..1 | Period | Restrict the investigations that are returned by defining a time period. |
includeReferrals | 0..1 | Include referrals in the response. | |
includeReferrals.referralSearchPeriod | 0..1 | Period | Restrict uncategorised data by defining a time period. |
Return Values (Out)
Name | Cardinality | Type | StructureDefinition | Documentation |
response | 1..1 | Bundle | GPConnect-StructuredRecord-Bundle-1 | The patient structured coded record. This is returned as a bundle containing resources representing the record as requested by the given input parameters. |