
Example of a ServiceRequest. submitted to request re-analysis of a previous test/order.. After being sent to the central broker, the ServiceRequest is assigned a unique identifier.

    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "id": "ServiceRequest-NonWGSTestOrderForm-ReAnalysis-Example",
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceReques/ServiceRequest-NonWGSTestOrderForm-SyndromicEpilepsy-Example"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueCodeableConcept": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "nhs-england",
                        "display": "NHS England"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "rare-disease-non-wgs"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "R387",
                "display": "Re-analysis",
                "version": "7"
    "orderDetail":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "R59",
                    "display": "Early onset or syndromic epilepsy",
                    "version": "7"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/Patient-DemeizaSeo-Example",
        "identifier": {
            "system": "",
            "value": "9449306559"
    "authoredOn": "2023-09-06T09:00:00Z",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole-HazelSmithRenal-Example"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "new-treatment-clinical-management",
                    "display": "New Treatment/Clinical Management"
            "text": "Significant new treatment and or clinical management implication for the patient.Please provide details/treatment for management of epilepsy"
    "supportingInfo":  [
            "reference": "Observation/Observation-GenomicEthnicity-Example"
            "reference": "Condition/Condition-MonogenicHearingLoss-Example"
            "reference": "Observation/Observation-NoPregnancy-Example"
            "reference": "Observation/Observation-NonConsanguinousUnion-Example"
            "reference": "Observation/Observation-NoBoneMarrowTransplant-Example"
            "reference": "Observation/Observation-NoTransfusion-Example"
    "note":  [
            "text": "No Sample Required"
            "text": "No family history of genomic testing"
            "text": "Free text for diagnosis/reason for referral, relevant information including family history, phenotypic details/ HPO Terms/E.g. Reanlaysis - change in observed phenotype. Epilepsy test previously ordered on patient 5 years ago. "
<ServiceRequest xmlns="">
    <id value="ServiceRequest-NonWGSTestOrderForm-ReAnalysis-Example" />
    <extension url="">
                <system value="" />
                <code value="nhs-england" />
                <display value="NHS England" />
        <reference value="ServiceReques/ServiceRequest-NonWGSTestOrderForm-SyndromicEpilepsy-Example" />
    <status value="active" />
    <intent value="order" />
            <system value="" />
            <code value="rare-disease-non-wgs" />
    <priority value="routine" />
            <system value="" />
            <version value="7" />
            <code value="R387" />
            <display value="Re-analysis" />
            <system value="" />
            <version value="7" />
            <code value="R59" />
            <display value="Early onset or syndromic epilepsy" />
        <reference value="Patient/Patient-DemeizaSeo-Example" />
            <system value="" />
            <value value="9449306559" />
    <authoredOn value="2023-09-06T09:00:00Z" />
        <reference value="PractitionerRole/PractitionerRole-HazelSmithRenal-Example" />
            <system value="" />
            <code value="new-treatment-clinical-management" />
            <display value="New Treatment/Clinical Management" />
        <text value="Significant new treatment and or clinical management implication for the patient.Please provide details/treatment for management of epilepsy" />
        <reference value="Observation/Observation-GenomicEthnicity-Example" />
        <reference value="Condition/Condition-MonogenicHearingLoss-Example" />
        <reference value="Observation/Observation-NoPregnancy-Example" />
        <reference value="Observation/Observation-NonConsanguinousUnion-Example" />
        <reference value="Observation/Observation-NoBoneMarrowTransplant-Example" />
        <reference value="Observation/Observation-NoTransfusion-Example" />
        <text value="No Sample Required" />
        <text value="No family history of genomic testing" />
        <text value="Free text for diagnosis/reason for referral, relevant information including family history, phenotypic details/ HPO Terms/E.g. Reanlaysis - change in observed phenotype. Epilepsy test previously ordered on patient 5 years ago." />