

To support genetic interpretation of tests and samples for fetuses. To provide a clear divide between mother and fetus and support the management of multiple fetuses.


Mapped to its own Patient resource, optionally tagged via a proposed birthStatus extension or future dated EDD in place of birthDate, as well as linked observations.

Correct representation of fetal data is under review within the Interoperability Standards Team ans is subject to change


Source Data item Target FHIR Element HL7v2.5.1 Mapping Description
Fetus - Is sample for fetal or unregistered neonate Patient indicated as fetus through either birthStatus extension on Patient resource or future dated birthDate, Specimen.subject N/A PID-7 could be used if birthDate discrimination is chosen Confirmation that the test is for a fetus or an unregistered neonate.
Fetus - Local identifier Patient.identifier:system != https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number PID-3 where PID-3.5 = 2.16.840.1.113883. Fetus identification code other than NHS number.
Fetus - Karyotypic sex Observation.code( subject=Patient ) OBX-5 with appropriate SNOMED/READ/LOINC code Absence or presence of X chromosome in the fetus.
Fetus - Observed sex Patient.gender PID-8 Fetus phenotypic sex classification. Estimated physical characteristics determined by ultrasound. Gender for PLCM.
Fetus - Are multiple fetuses being tested N/A Inferred through inclusion of multiple Patient resources attached to test order N/A inferred though inclusion of multiple PID segments attached to OML message Confirmation that multiple fetuses are being tested.
Fetus - Is testing for fetal loss from 24 weeks of gestation Inferred through inclusion observation/condition for fetal loss (code under 363681007) with date later than 24 weeks after pregnancy observation Inferred though difference in OBX-14 for pregnancy and miscarriage/loss observations Confirmation that the test is for a loss of pregnancy after 24 weeks gestation.
Fetus - Additional details Clinical resources referencing fetal Patient resource NTE/PRB/OBX segments related to PID for fetus Further details for a fetal test.