ePMA Implementation Guidance for FHIR STU3

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Please note: This guidance has been superseded by the Implementation guide for digitial medicines, which contains up-to-date information.

Element: medication[x]

Important: Determining the value of this element when constructing the resource.

When the MedicationRequest and MedicationDispense are known

If the basedOn (medication request) and partOf (medication dispense) elements are known, and defined within the MedicationStatement, then care should be taken as to how the medication[x] element is populated.

If substitution is allowed within the MedicationRequest resource then the medicine dispensed may differ to the request. In this case, the medication[x] element must reflect the dispensed medication in the MedicationDispense resource.

Also note that the dosageInstruction may differ from what was originally requested.

Even if substution is not allowed, it may be prudent to check that medication requested is equal to what was dispensed.

When the MedicataionRequest or MedicationDispsnese are not known

The medication component should be constructed by the information provided from the source.

Populating the element

Can be either a dm+d code as a CodeableConcept or reference to UK Medication. CodeableConcept is preferred where no more information would be provided by reference to UK Core Medication.

Where a dm+d code exists it MUST be used either as CodeableConcept.coding or as Medication.Medication.code

Where CodeableConcept is used CodeableConcept.coding is dm+d code and CodeableConcept.text is dm+d text. Where no dm+d code is available drug name can be provided as text as CodeableConcept.text

A Reference to UK Core Medication should only be used when there is additional information to record which is not explicit in CodeableConcept for example where:

  • To specify a VTM with a specific form
  • To record manufacture against VTM, VMP and VMP
  • To record batch number
  • To record ingredients (for example with a magisterial prescription or an excipient)

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