ePMA Implementation Guidance for FHIR STU3

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Please note: This guidance has been superseded by the Implementation guide for digitial medicines, which contains up-to-date information.

Element: dosageInstruction

It is recommended this element is required for an MVP implementation.

An example instance where this could be used is if a substitution has taken place where the dosage instruction differs to the one in the MedicationRequest.

If the dosageInstruction element is used then it should be represented as a structured dose where possible in the event that the receiving system is required to interpret the content.

In this instance, population of just the dosageInstruction.text element would be unacceptable for a successful implementation.

Refer to FHIR Dose Syntax Implementation Guidance (or any subsequent version) for guidance.

View the R4 FHIR Dose Syntax Guidance

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