Table of Contents > Terminology


Various coded values which are used to describe clinical concepts within health records as well as codes used within messages to meet the structural requirements of interfaces.

*Please note that these are Code System and/or Value set created by Ontario Health

**Please note that access and use of SNOMED CT subsets on Canada Health Infoway Terminology Gateway requires an Infoway account with acceptance of the SNOMED CT license agreements

Value Sets defined by this implementation guide:

Value Set Description Profile Binding Strength
AddressType* Codes supported by Ontario Health differentiating mailing from physical addresses. Location (Response): Location.address.type,
Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.address.type,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.address.type ,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.address.type
AddressUse* Codes supported by Ontario Health indicating how the patient and provider address is used. Location (Response): Location.address.use,
Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.address.use,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.address.use ,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.address.use
AdministrativeGender Administrative genders for Practitioners supported by the Ontario Health PCR and PPR interface. Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.gender
BundleEntryMode Why this entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement. Bundle (Practitioner Response):
Bundle (Practitioner Response):
Bundle (Practitioner Response):
Bundle (Location Response):
BundleType Indicates the purpose of this bundle - how it was intended to be used. Bundle (Practitioner Response): Bundle.type,
Bundle (Location Response): Bundle.type
ContactEntityType The value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the purpose for which you would contact a contact party. Organization (Organization Response):
ContactOrganizations* Codes supported by Ontario Health differentiating types of contact point systems for organizations. Location (Response): Location.telecom.system, Required
ContactPointSystem Telecommunications form for contact point. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.telecom.system,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.telecom.system,
Organization (Organization Response):
ContactPointUse Identifies the purpose for the contact point. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse):Location.telecom.use,
Location (Response): Location.telecom.use,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.telecom.use,
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.telecom.use,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.telecom.use,
Organization (Organization Response):
ContactPractitioners* Codes supported by Ontario Health differentiating types of contact point systems for practitioners. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.telecom.system,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.telecom.system
CountryCode* 3-character ISO country codes for use in addresses by the Ontario Health PPR and PCR interface. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse):,
Location (Response):,
Practitioner (Response):
HealthCareProviderRoleType* A role type that is used to categorize an entity that delivers health care in an expected and professional manner to an entity in need of health care services, i.e. provider's profession. Examples: Registered Nurse, Chiropractor, Physician. PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.code
Language* Languages understood or supported by Ontario clients, practitioners and organizations. This value set represents the subset of all ISO living languages as of April 22, 2020. Location (Response): Location.alias.extension:human-language.valueCoding.code,
Location (Response): Location.extension:location-language.valueCoding.code,
Location (Response): Location.contained.otherName.extension:human-language.valueCoding.code,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.communication,
IdentifierType Codes supported by Ontario Health differentiating types of identifiers. Location (Response): Location.identifier.type,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.identifier.type,
PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.identifier.type
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.identifier.type
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.identifier:oh-upi.type
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.identifier:oh-connex.type,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.identifier:oh-upi.type
IdentifierUse Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known. Location (Response): Location.identifier.use,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.identifier.use,
PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.identifier.use
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.identifier:oh-connex.use
HealthcareService: HealthcareService.identifier:oh-thln.use ,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.identifier:oh-upi.use
IssueSeverity Indicates whether the issue indicates a variation from successful processing. OperationOutcome: OperationOutcome.issue.severity Required
IssueType Describes the type of the issue. The system that creates an OperationOutcome SHALL choose the most applicable code from the IssueType value set, and may additional provide its own code for the error in the details element. OperationOutcome: OperationOutcome.issue.code Required
LHINCodes* Ontario Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) code as a catchment area of provider. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.extension:LHIN-code.valueCoding.code,
Location (Response): Location.extension:LHIN-code.valueCoding.code,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.address.extension:LHIN-code.valueCoding.code
LicenseClassificationCode* A code to identify a particular class of licence for a health care practitioner. Licence classes are defined by the governing body that issues the licence. Note: Not all health professions have classes. PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.code.extension:license-classification-code.valueCoding.code Preferred
LocationOperationalStatusReason* Reason of Location operational status Location (Response): Location.status.extension:status-reason.valueCoding.code Preferred
LocationStatus Indicates whether the location is still in use. Location (Response): Location.status Required
MasterDataExceptionCode* Error and warning codes returned by the back-end Ontario Health Provincial Provider Registry service interface. OperationOutcome: OperationOutcome.issue.details.coding
OperationOutcome: OperationOutcome.issue.details.coding.code
NamePartQualifier A set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type Practitioner (Response): Required
OperationalStatus* Organization operational status as received from the data source (e.g. MOH, CNO, CPSO, etc). Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.status
Location (Response): Location.status
OrganizationAlias* A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past. Location (Response): Location.contained.otherName.extension:organization-name-type.valueCoding.code
Location (Response): Location.alias.extension:organization-name-type.valueCoding.code Organization.alias.extension:organization-name-type.valueCoding.code
PHSDProgram* Health Service Programs available in the Provincial Healthcare Service Directory (PHSD). HealthcareService: HealthcareService.program
ProviderAddressPurpose* Type of provider's practice address or site address. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.address.extension:address-purpose.valueCoding.code
Location (Response): Location.extension:address-purpose.valueCode
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.extension:address-purpose.valueCode
ProviderOrganizationRoleType* Type of provider organization role. Location (Response): Location.coding.code,
Location (Response): Location.extension:organization-type.valueCoding.code,
Location (Response): Location.extension:registration-subclass.valueCoding.code
Location (Response): Location.type.coding.code,
Organization (Organization Response): Organization.type
ProviderRoleClassType* Type of provider role class. PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.code.coding.code,
PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.extension:practitionerRole-classification.valueCoding.code,
PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.specialty.extension:practitionerRole-classification.valueCoding.code
ProviderRoleStatusType* Status of provider role as received from the data source (e.g. MOH, CNO, CPSO, etc). Used as one of the parameters to define active/inactive role status of a provider (see RoleStatus). PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.extension:practitionerRole-status.valueCode Required
Province-StateCodes* Codes for provinces, states and territories supported by the Ontario Health PCR and PPR interface. Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.address.state,
Location (PractitionerRoleResponse): Location.address.state
Location (Response): Location.address.state
QualifiedCredentialRoleType* A code for the degree or educational rank that the credential specifies. Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.qualification.code,
Practitioner (Response): Practitioner.qualification.extension:qualification-level.valueCoding.code
QualifiedExpertiseRoleType* Qualified expertise role type, i.e. provider's specialty. PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.specialty,
PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.specialty.coding.code
RestrictionToPracticeType* Type of restriction imposed by a governing body against the practitioner's license. PractitionerRole (Response): PractitionerRole.extension:practitioner-restriction.extension:type-of-limitation.valueCode Required
SecurityLabels A single value set for all security labels defined by FHIR. Location (PractitionerRoleResponse):,
Location (Response):,
Practitioner (Response):
PractitionerRole (Response):,
Organization (Organization Response):
ServiceCategory This value set defines an example set of codes that can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties HealthcareService: HealthcareService.category:AllCategory Example
ServiceCategory-eConsult* This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to classify groupings of Ontario Telehealth Network healthcare services HealthcareService: HealthcareService.category:-eConsult Extensible
ServiceCategory- eServices * This value set identifies the broad category of service being performed or delivered. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.category:eServices Extensible
ServiceCategory-eVisit * This value set identifies the broad category of service being performed or delivered. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.category: eVisit Extensible
ServiceCategory-THLN* This value set identifies the broad category of service being performed or delivered. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.category:THLN Extensible
ServiceType This value set defines an example set of codes of service-types. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.type Example
ServiceType-CONNEX* This value set identifies the Type of service that may be delivered or performed. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.type:Connex Extensible
ServiceType-OCEAN* This value set identifies the Type of service that may be delivered or performed. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.type:Ocean Extensible
ServiceType-THLN* This value set identifies the broad category of service being performed or delivered. HealthcareService: HealthcareService.type:THLN Extensible
WaitTimePriority* This value set identifies priority of patients wait time. HealthcareService: HealthcareService. Extension.extension:priority
PractitionerRole (Practitioner Response): PractitionerRole (Practitioner Response). Extension.extension:priority
WaitTimeType* This value set indicates the type of patients wait time.. HealthcareService: HealthcareService. Extension.extension: type
PractitionerRole (Practitioner Response): PractitionerRole (Practitioner Response). Extension.extension: type