Profiles and Extensions

Profiles Index

This index contains all the profiles Clinically and Technically Assured for use with UK Core.

Narrative Listing

Profile Status Description C&TA Sprint
UKCore-AllergyIntolerance active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the AllergyIntolerance resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve allergy information. 2
UKCore-Appointment active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Appointment resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve appointment information. 5
UKCore-Composition active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Composition resource to enable a generic and flexible approach to FHIR document structures. 5
UKCore-Condition active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Condition resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve problems and health concerns information. 5
UKCore-Device-BloodPressure active A profile derived from the active UK Core Device profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information about a device used to monitor blood pressure. 7
UKCore-DiagnosticReport active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the DiagnosticReport resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve the findings of diagnostic tests.
Note: This profile SHALL NOT be used where a more specific UK Core profile exists.
UKCore-DiagnosticReport-Lab active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on theDiagnosticReport profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve the findings specifically related to laboratory tests. 6
UKCore-Encounter active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Encounter resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve encounter information. 4
UKCore-FamilyMemberHistory active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the FamilyMemberHistory resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information about health events and conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care. 6
UKCore-HealthcareService active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the HealthcareService resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve healthcare service information. 5
UKCore-Immunization active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Immunization resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve an individual's immunisation information. 3
UKCore-List active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the List resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve a list of information. 4
UKCore-Location active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Location resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve location information 1
UKCore-Medication active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Medication resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve medication information. 3
UKCore-MedicationAdministration active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the MedicationAdministration resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve medication administration information 3
UKCore-MedicationDispense active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the MedicationDispense resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve dispensed medication information. 3
UKCore-MedicationRequest active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the MedicationRequest resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve prescription information. 3
UKCore-MedicationStatement active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the MedicationStatement resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve medication statement information. 3
UKCore-Observation active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information of measurements and simple assertions made about an individual, device or other subject.
Note: This profile SHALL NOT be used where a more specific derived profile exists.
    UKCore-Observation-ACVPU active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's level of consciousness. 7
    UKCore-Observation-AlcoholConsumption active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's alcohol consumption. 7
    UKCore-Observation-AverageBloodPressure active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's average blood pressure over a specific time period. 7
    UKCore-Observation-BloodGlucose active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's blood glucose level. 7
    UKCore-Observation-EarlyWarningTotalScore active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's Early Warning Score, such as NEWS2. 7
    UKCore-Observation-InspiredOxygen active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding whether a patient is breathing room air or is on oxygen. 7
    UKCore-Observation-TobaccoConsumption active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's tobacco consumption. 7
UKCore-Observation-Group-Lab active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information related to laboratory test groups and panels. 6
UKCore-Observation-Lab active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Observation resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information related to individual laboratory test results. 6
UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information of a patient's Vital Signs measurements, in order to be FHIR compliant with the base "Vital Signs" guidance.
Note: This profile SHALL NOT be used where a more specific derived profile exists, from those listed below.
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-BloodPressure active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a single instance of a patient's blood pressure. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-BMI active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's body mass index. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-BodyHeight active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's height. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-BodyTemperature active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's temperature. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-BodyWeight active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's weight. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-HeadCircumference active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's head circumference. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-HeartRate active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's heart rate. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-OxygenSaturation active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's level of oxygen saturation in their blood. 7
    UKCore-Observation-VitalSigns-RespirationRate active A profile derived from the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding a patient's breathing rate. 7
UKCore-Organization active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Organization resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve organisation information. 1
UKCore-Patient active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Patient resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve an individual’s demographic information. 1
UKCore-Practitioner active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Practitioner resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve practitioner information. 1
UKCore-PractitionerRole active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the PractitionerRole resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve practitioner role information. 1
UKCore-Procedure active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Procedure resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve the patient’s procedure information. 4
UKCore-RelatedPerson active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the RelatedPerson resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve related person information. 4
UKCore-Schedule active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Schedule resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve schedule information. 5
UKCore-ServiceRequest active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the ServiceRequest resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve service request information.
Note: This profile SHALL NOT be used where a more specific UK Core profile exists.
UKCore-ServiceRequest-Lab active A profile derived from the UK Core ServiceRequest profile to define the minimal set of data to query and retrieve the request for laboratory tests 6
UKCore-Slot active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Slot resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve slot information. 5
UKCore-Specimen active Defines the UK Core constraints and extensions on the Specimen resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve information regarding samples used for analysis. 6

By Resource



























