Transfer of Care R4 Hackathon Implementation Guide

This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

Problems and issues

The Problems and issues section carries information about problems and issues. PRSB Elements should be formatted as subheadings in any HTML sent.

Section Description Cardinality MRO* Values
Problems and issues A summary of the problems that require investigation or treatment. 0 to 1 R Carried in the CodeableConcept of Composition.section.code FHIR element.
PRSB Element Description Card. MRO* FHIR Target and Guidance
Problems and issue Summary of problems that require investigation or treatment. This would include significant examination findings, symptoms and signs, which are likely to have relevance and are not a diagnosis. 0 to 1 R Text. The problems and issues heading is for the clinician or healthcare professional's recording of medical problems and issues.
* M=Mandatory R=Required O=Optional
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