
This is the StructureDefinition overview for the CareConnect-CDS-RelatedPerson-1

The official URL for this profile is:


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Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Snapshot (default)

Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

RelatedPerson Data Mapping

The table below provides the business context data mappings for the 'Mandatory' and 'Must Support' elements in the CareConnect-CDS-RelatedPerson-1 profile. The CareConnect-CDS-RelatedPerson-1 profile is used to share detail of individuals that the Local Authority have recorded as having a relationship to the patient.

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context 1..1 id Logical id of related person from Social Care System and used for referencing resource within the Bundle
RelatedPerson.identifier 0..* identifier Constraint: Multiple identifiers may be provided, however providers MUST SUPPORT one being the NHS Number so that clients can link to local record of related person
RelatedPerson.identifier[nhsNumber] 0..1 identifier Constraint: For the NHS Number:

Patient.identifier.use = 'official'

Patient.identifier.system = ''

RelatedPerson.patient 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-CDS-Patient-1) Reference to the patient this person is related to 1..* HumanName Constraint: Multiple names may be provided, however one SHALL be the official name, i.e. = 'official'
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding 1..* coding Constraint: Multiple relationship.codings are allowed, however one MUST be the relationshipType and implementers MUST SUPPORT th epossibility of multiple relationshipFlags (see below)
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipType] 1..1 coding The relationshipType is used to identify primary type of relationship (e.g. Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child, Friend, Neighbour etc.)
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipType].system 1..1 uri Fixed Value http://CareDataService/RelatedPerson/relationship-type

Note the fixed coding.system can be used by consumers to retrieve the appropriate relationship type text to display for a user interface using FHIRPath
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipType].display 1..1 string Plain text representation of relationship type for display in a user interface.

Note coding.code is not required/supported as http://CareDataService/RelatedPerson/relationship-type is not a defined CodeSystem
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipFlag] 0..* coding The relationshipFlag is used to identify any additional roles the related person or patient perform on behalf of the other (e.g. Carer, Next of Kin, Emergency Contact, Dependent, etc.)
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipFlag].system 1..1 uri Each relationshipFlag MUST have a system wth

Fixed Value http://CareDataService/RelatedPerson/relationship-flag

Note the fixed coding.system can be used by consumers to retrieve the appropriate relationship flag(s) to display for a user interface using FHIRPath
RelatedPerson.relationship.coding[relationshipFlag].display 1..1 string Each relationshipFlag MUST have a plain text representation of relationship flag for display in a user interface.

Note coding.code is not required/supported as http://CareDataService/RelatedPerson/relationship-flag is not a defined CodeSystem[official].text 1..1 string Constraint: Where'official', SHALL be provided[official].family 1..1 string Constraint: Where'official', SHALL be provided[official].given 0..* string Constraint: Where recorded in the source system, and if'official', MUST BE SUPPORTED
RelatedPerson.telecom 0..* ContactPoint Optional data element for the contact points for a given contact (e.g. phone, fax, email, etc.)
RelatedPerson.birthdate 0..1 date The date on which the related person was born. This could be key, for example an Emergency Department needed to see that a Patient being admitted was the main carer of a minor.