
This is the StructureDefinition overview for the CDS-Device

The official URL for this profile is:


Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element


Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Snapshot (default)

Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Device Data Mapping

The table below provides the business context data mappings for the 'Mandatory' and 'Must Support' elements in the CDS-Device profile. The CDS-Device profile is used to share details of equipment/asset (or modifications) that the Local Authority has povided to the patient.

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context 1..1 id Logical id of equipment/device from Social Care System and used for referencing resource within the Bundle
Device.type 1..1 CodeableConcept An indication of the type of device (e.g. 'Keysafe', 'Handrail' 'Lifeline Alarm', etc.)
Device.type.coding 0..* coding Optional codinig should an agreed ValueSet/CodeSystem of equipment/asset types be available
Device.type.text 1..1 string Plain text representation of type (e.g. 'Keysafe', 'Handrail' 'Lifeline Alarm', etc.)

Note Device.type.text will be the default element used by any UI consuming the service to display the type
Device.patient 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-CDS-Patient-1) Reference to Patient resource who has been issued the equipment
Device.note 0..* string Optional plain text narrative providing more details about the equipment, e.g. position of handrail(s) within the patient's home