Questionnaire/Form Design

The application can produce dynamic and robust questionnaires/forms for users to complete. This page describes the capabilities of the questionnare, for more techincal information on how questionnaires are defined see Questionnaire Profile.

A Questionnaire/Form is an organized collection of questions intended to solicit information from a user. The Questionnaire/Form Definition includes

  • Questions to be asked
  • How they are ordered and grouped
  • Any intervening instructional text
  • Initial/default values for answers
  • Constraints on answers:
    • Required
    • Maximum Length (String)
    • Maximum Value (Number, Date)
    • Minimum Length (String)
    • Minimum Value (Number, Date)
    • Belongs to a defined list
    • Specific format

Single Line Text Box


  • The designer can set a Maximum length, Minimum length
  • For numeric answers the designer can set minumum and maximum values. They can also include a spin control.
  • The designer can include an edit mask to validate the input. Example: Postal code mask = [A-Za-z][0-9][A-Za-z] ?[0-9][A-Za-z][0-9]

Date Picker


  • Allows user to type in a date or select a date
  • Highlights the current date

Multi-line Text box


  • The designer can set a max length
  • The control automatically adds a scroll bar when needed
  • Allows the user to resize it using the icon in the lower right corner

Radio Button

Before selected... QuestionnaireRadioButton

After selected... QuestionnaireRadioButton-selected

  • Radio buttons are mutually exclusive and once selected they provide the user a way to remove their choice.



  • A Checkbox permits the user to make a binary choice.
  • Designers can include multiple checkboxes as part of a single question.


  • Designers define a list of acceptable answers
  • Users select the answer from the avaiable list
  • Users can also select an answer by typing the first letter of the answer. Example: Typing 'N' in the province example above will select "New Brunswick". Typing 'N' again will select the next answer that starts with 'N' which will be "Newfoundland".

Attachment control


  • Users can drag and drop files
  • Users can browse for the file(s) they want to upload.

Child Questions


  • Designers can create questions that have a parent child relationship. The example shows a parent question ("Intellectual and Emotional Wellness Scale") with many child questions.

Repeating Questions


  • Designers can allow for a question or group of questions to repeat. The example above is a repeat of a group of questions, users can add additional answers by clicking the "Add additional details" link.
  • Designers can set how many repeats intially appear.
  • Designers can set a limit on how many times a question can repeat.

Dynamic Logic

Before answering the first question... Questionnaire-DynamicBefore

When the user answers 'Yes' to the first question two more questions appear... Questionnaire-DynamicAfter

This type of dynamic logic can be added to a single question or group of questions. The logic to hide or show a question can be based on:

  • a previous question has an answer or not.
  • a previous answer is a certain value or computed value (Boolean, Numbers, Strings and Dates)
  • a previous answer is within a certain range (Numbers and Dates)
  • a combination of previous answers meet some defined criteria



  • All controls can be set to read-only