Difference between Version 1.0.0 and 2.0.0

This page lists the difference in terms of resource profile defininitions between Version 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 of the implementation guide. The purpose is to help implementers who are supporting version 1.0.0 understand the necessary changes to migrate 2.0.0. At this point, both versions will be supported by eHealth Ontario.


This implementation guide introduces the "MustSupport" flag to identify elements that implementers must be aware of in order to query data from PCR. Implementers must understand the guideline here regarding how to support "MustSupport" flag.

MIME types:

MIME types used in query parameter "_format" has been changed in FHIR. The following values must be used in this version of implementation guide. Details here

• JSON(preferred): application/fhir+json

• XML: application/fhir+xml

meta.profile value change in all resource profile definitions:

The resource.meta.profile will contain the new version number 2.0.0. For example in pcr-patient-response, the meta.profile value will be http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/pcr-patient-response|2.0.0

EMPI Match Request:

No change

EMPI Match Response:

EMPI match response will use the patient profile instead of patient match profile. As per business rules, PCR EMPI Match response is a summary view of patient profile. Therefore the patient response profile will bue used with an addtional Patient.meta.tag set to "SUBSETTED". Note that the following elements are not returned in EMPI Match.

  • Patient.deceased[x]
  • Patient.multipleBirth[x]
  • Patient.contact
  • Patient.communication

Patient.meta.tag will be populated as follows:

        <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ObservationValue" />
        <code value="SUBSETTED" />
        <display value="subsetted" />

Patient Read Request:

No change

Patient Read Response:

Element Change details Implementation Change Required?
Patient.meta.security added security.display field for textual information. Possible values are "normal" (if code is N), and "restricted" (if code is R) Yes
Patient.contact.relationship.coding.system valueset url changed from http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/patient-contact-relationship to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v2-0131 Yes
Patient.contact.relationship.coding.code code changed from "emergency" to "C" Yes
Patient.contact.relationship.coding.display added display field with fixed value "Emergency Contact" Yes
Patient.communication.language changed to 3 letter codes supported by PCR. See HumanLanguage Valueset Yes

Patient Search Request:

Added support for POST operation. See Patient Search for details

Patient Search Response:

Same profile change as in table above.

Cross-Identifier PIXm Request:

Added support for POST operation. See PIXm page for details.

Cross-Identifier PIXm Response:

No change