Prescription management FHIR

Prescription fulfilment is modelled using the FHIR resource. This Task has links to both the MedicationRequest and MedicationDispense resources from prescription-order and dispense-notification messages. Prescription Managment acts on the Task resource only.

A summary of FHIR Task is below:

FHIR Task Description
status The current status of the prescription-order or dispense-notification, e.g. accepted, completed, in-progress, etc
code normally fulfil
reasonCode The Task reason, either 33633005 - Prescription of drug or 373784005 - Dispensing medication
for The NHS Number of the Patient the Task is for
requester Who is created the Request (prescription-order) or the Event (dispense-notification)
owner Who is responsible for actioning the request (normally the pharmacy for prescription-order)
input Pointers to the MedicationRequest which are accessed by EPSQueryAPI
output Pointers to the MedicationDispense which are accessed by EPSQueryAPI

This Task resource is becomes available on receipt of a PrescriptionOrder and is then updated by the other workflow messages. the Task will be given a status of 'requested', this is item 1 in the diagram below:

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When the prescription is released by a pharmacy (item 2) the status changes to 'accepted'. When EPS receives a Prescription Dispense (item 3) the status will change to 'in-progress'. If all items in the Presciption Dispense state they are completed, the Task status will change to 'completed'.

The current status of the prescription can be viewed via the

In a similar manner dispense-notification workflow events and the EPS generated prescription-order for continuous-repeat-dispensing, are also represented as sub Tasks.

The Task (code = prescription-order) interactions are:

  • prescription release
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  • dispense proposal return
    Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.

The Task (code = dispense-notification) interactions are:

  • dispense withdraw
    Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.

## Prescription management FHIR