Online Booking

The following supported FHIR Resources can be useful for Online Booking:

Possible scenario:

  1. Prequisite calls:
  1. Selecting a patient:
  • GET /Patient?identifier={id} -> returns a Bundle of matching Patients. The bundle can have 0 patients if they were not found by NH number.
    The id is the health number entered for the patient.
  1. Load Patient's Appointments
    To load Patient's appointments use /Patient//$everything endpoint:
  • GET Patient//$everything?_type=Appointment -> returns a Bundle of resources, in this case of Appointments. This query fetches the patient's existing appointments so that optional constraints may be enforced (e.g., only one Physical per year, only patients of Dr. Jones etc.). For performance reasons we omit very-old or far-off future appointments, such as appointments more than 2 years old or repeat appointments more than 1 year in the future.
  1. Slot Selection To suggest all and available slots 2 requests can be used.
  1. Booking
    Once the patient chooses a slot, it is possible to determine provider, patient, start, end, slot values. Based on them generate Appointment resource and Post it:
  • POST /Appointment
    Based on the FHIR create standard, this call expects to receive a status 201 "created" FHIR result, with a response header with key "Location" with value https://yourfhirserverBaseURL/Appointment/[id]/_history/[vid].
  1. Related operations
  • POST /Patient -> create a patient
  • PUT /Patient -> update a patient
  • POST /DocumentReference -> add encounter notes
  1. Cancellation
    To cancel an appoinment use:
  • PUT /Appointment. It is expected resource status is "cancelled".
    To add addional information into Appointment Audit use:
  • POST /AppointmentResponse

<-FHIR Resources