This draft implementation guidance was developed between February and March 2023 as part of the NHS England Virtual Wards Interoperability Discovery. It is provided for information only and is not currently being updated.

If you are not participating in the Discovery, you are advised not to develop against this guidance until a formal announcement has been made. The team can be contacted by emailing


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3.4.3 FHIR UK Core Organization Profile

IMPORTANT - this page is intended as guidance only, solutions must be clinically assured locally within organisations before deployment into a live environment.

The FHIR UK Core Organization is used to identify the organisation creating and sharing the Supplementary remote monitoring data.

Structure Definition

This page provides specific guidance on using the Organization resource for Supplementary RM Data. For the full structure definition, please see the FHIR UK Core Organization Resource.

The UK Core resource inherits from the international HL7 FHIR R4 base resource definition.

Optionality Guidance

The population guidance below uses the following definitions for data item optionality:

  1. Mandatory - the data item MUST be recorded in the resource every time it is produced
  2. Required - if the system that is providing the data item contains this piece of data, then it should include it in the resource
  3. Optional - the system has the option to include this data if it is available

Note that the population guidance for this profile does not include all data items available in the resource. As per FHIR guidance, all data items inherited from the base resource can be included and used as appropriate, however only those considered relevant to Supplementary RM Data are covered in this guidance.

Required Elements (for Supplementary RM Data)

Element Optionality
id mandatory
meta mandatory
identifer mandatory
name required
telecom optional

Further guidance on each element is outlined in the sections below.


FHIR Attribute DataType Optionality Cardinality Usage Guidance
id id Mandatory 1:1 A logical identifier generated for this organisation resource. Additional Guidance: Any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters ('A'..'Z', and 'a'..'z', numerals ('0'..'9'), '-' and '.', with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)

Example (XML)

<id value="9b9dfe0d-1747-424f-a739-35f7be8e8d71"/>

Example (JSON)

    "id": "9b9dfe0d-1747-424f-a739-35f7be8e8d71"


FHIR Attribute DataType Optionality Cardinality Usage Guidance
Meta Element Mandatory 1:1 Metadata about the resource
meta.profile Canonical Mandatory 1:1 To identify the FHIR profile the resource conforms to Fixed value: ""

Example (XML)

    <profile value="" />

Example (JSON)

"meta": {
    "profile": [


FHIR Attribute DataType Optionality Cardinality Usage Guidance
Identifier Identifier Optional 0:* An identifier for the organisation - the organisation's ODS code. The identifer should be the organisation's ODS code defined using the `system` and `value` sub-elements. The system should be fixed value of ODS ` The value should be the ODS code itself e.g., `"ABC12"` To look up an organisation's ODS code, you can use the ODS portal

Example (XML)

    <system value="" />
    <value value="X26" />

Example (JSON)

    "identifier": [
        "system: "",
        "value": "X26"


FHIR Attribute DataType Optionality Cardinality Usage Guidance
Name String Required 0:1 The organisation's name. Name detailing the organisation

Example (XML)

<name value="NHS England" />

Example (JSON)

    "name": "NHS England"


FHIR Attribute DataType Optionality Cardinality Usage Guidance
Telecom ContactPoint Optional 0:* A contact detail for the organization Note that these contacts are not the contact details of people who are employed by or represent the organization, but official contacts for the organization itself.

Example (XML)

        <system value="phone" />
        <value value="0111 243 3144" />

Example (JSON)

   "telecom":  [
            "system": "phone",
            "value": "0111 243 3144"

Full Organization Resource Example (XML)

    <id value="9b9dfe0d-1747-424f-a739-35f7be8e8d71" />
        <profile value="" />
        <system value="" />
        <value value="X26" />
    <name value="NHS England" />

Full Organization Resource Example (JSON)

    "resourceType": "Organization",
    "id": "9b9dfe0d-1747-424f-a739-35f7be8e8d71",
    "meta": {
        "profile": [
    "identifier": [
        "system: "",
        "value": "X26"
    "name": "NHS England"