Page Status: Updated 2022-10-21

EU Digital COVID Certificate Sweden

This implementation guide has a target audience of system integrators to the Swedish EU Digital COVID Certificate (Covidbevis).

NB! The API is now available for issuing both test certificates (sv testbevis), ie certificates for negative test results for Covid-19 and recovery certificates (sv tillfrisknandebevis), ie certificates based on positive test results for Covid-19.

The issued covid certificate (sv covidbevis) is provided by the Swedish eHealth Agency (E-hälsomyndigheten).

The external API for test certificates (sv testbevis) and recovery certificates (sv tillfrisknandebevis) uses the HL7® FHIR® standard in the request payload. This guide describes the supported FHIR® resources, use cases and preferred patterns.

If a personal identity number is used in an examle in this guide, then it is a test personal identity number defined by the Swedish Tax Agency.