Clinical Observations

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

Data Mapping

Patient data mapping
Organization data mapping
Practitioner data mapping
PractitionerRole data mapping
Consciousness observation data mapping
Inspired Oxygen observation data mapping
Oxygen saturation observation data mapping
Pulse rate observation data mapping
Respiration rate observation data mapping
Systolic pressure observation data mapping
Temperature observation data mapping
Early Warning Score Type data mapping
Early Warning Sub Score Type data mapping

Patient data mapping

Profile: Patient

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Patient Unique ID 1..1 Patient.identfier.value.value
Name 1..*
Family Name 1..1
Given Name 1..1
Prefix (Name) 0..1
Gender 0..1 Patient.gender.value
Birthdate 1..1 Patient.birthDate.value
Address 0..1
Address type 0.1 Patient.address.use.value
Line 0.* Patient.address.line.value
City 0.*
District 0.1 Patient.address.district.value
Postcode 0.1 Patient.address.postalcode.value
Marital Status 0..1 Patient.address.maritalStatus.coding.code

Organization data mapping

This is the organization which is the performer of the observations.

Profile: Organization

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Unique Identifier 1..1 Organization.identifer.value
Organization Name 0..1
Telecom 0..1 Organization.telecom.value
Telecom type 0..1 Organization.system.value
Address 0..1 Organization.address
Line1 0..* Organization.address.line.value
City 0..1
Postcode 0..1 Organization.address.postalCore.value

Practitioner data mapping

The person who performed the observations.

Profile: Practitioner

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Unique ID of person 1..1 Practitioner.identifier.value
Name 0..1
Family Name 0..1
Given Name 0..1
Prefix (Name) 0..1 Practitioner.prefix.value
Telephone 0..1 Practitioner.telecom.value.value
Telecom type 0..1 Practitioner.telecom.system.value
Gender 0..1 Practitioner.gender.value

PractitionerRole data mapping

Profile: PractitionerRole

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Unique role ID of person 1..1 PractitionerRole.identifier.value
Role Name 0..1 PractitionerRole.code.value

Consciousness observation data mapping

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

The table below shows how Consciousness observations are mapped to the Observation resource.

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
Code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
Patient 1..1 Observation.subject
Time & date of observation 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the Consciousness assessment was made
Practitioner 1..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organisation
Result 1..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept.code.value The Consciousness assessment outcome as a coded value
Additional notes 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey
Related observation 0..* Observation.derivedFrom Reference(Observation) Related resource that belongs to the Observation group
Derivation 0..* Observation.derivedFrom
Component 0..* Observation.component

Inspired Oxygen data mapping

The table below shows how Inspired Oxygen observations are mapped to the Observation resource.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

Source data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Guidance
Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
Code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
Patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
Time & date of observation 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the inspired oxygen reading was taken
Practitioner 0..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organization
Result 1..1 Observation.value Observation outcome
Additional notes 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey
Related observation 0..* Observation.derivedFrom Reference(Observation) Related resource that belongs to the Observation group
Derivation 0..* Observation.derivedFrom
Component 0..* Observation.component

Oxygen saturation data mapping

The table below shows how the Oxygen satuation observations are mapped to the Observation profile.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

Source data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Guidance
Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
Code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
Patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
Time & date of observation 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the oxygen saturation was taken
Practitioner 0..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organization
Result 1..1 Observation.valueQuantity The actual oxygen saturation reading
note 0..1 observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey

Pulse rate data mapping

The table below shows how the Pulse rate observations are mapped to the Observation profile.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

Source data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Guidance
Identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
Code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
Patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
Time & date of observation 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the pulse rate was taken
Practitioner 1..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organisation
Result 1..1 Observation.valueQuantity The actual pulse rate reading
Notes 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey

Respiration rate data mapping

The table below shows how the respiration rate observations are mapped to the FHIR Observation profile.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

FHIR Element Cardinality FHIR Target Guidance
identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
effective 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the pulse rate was taken
performer 1..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organisation
Result 1..1 Observation.valueQuantity The actual pulse rate reading
note 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey

Systolic pressure data mapping

The table below shows how the Systolic pressure observations are mapped to the Observation profile.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

FHIR Element Cardinality FHIR Target Guidance
identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
effective 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the blood pressure was taken
performer 1..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organization
note 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey
bodySite 0..1 Observation.bodysite
systolic value 0..1 Observation.component.value
diastolic value 0..1 Observation.component.value

Temperature data mapping

The table below shows how the body temperature observations are mapped to the Observation profile.

Profile: VitalSignsObservation

FHIR Element Cardinality FHIR Target Guidance
identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this observation (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
code 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
effective 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the body temperature was taken
performer 1..1 Observation.performer A link to the performer who carried out this observation. This must be a qualified practitioner and associated organisation
value 1..1 Observation.valueQuantity The actual body temperature reading
note 0..1 Observation.note Any additional notes or actions that the performer wishes to convey

Early Warning Score Type data mapping

Profile: Observation

FHIR Element Cardinality FHIR Target Guidance
identifier 1..1 Observation.identifier.value A unique identifier assigned to this early warning score (such as a generated Universally Unique Identifier )
early warning score type 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
patient 1..1 Observation.subject A link to the Patient
effective 1..1 Observation.effectiveDateTime.value The date and time that the score was created

Early Warning Sub-Score Type data mapping

Profile: Observation

FHIR Element Cardinality FHIR Target Guidance
early warning sub score type 1..1 Observation.code.coding.code.value
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