## Device Profile ### Scope and Usage This Device profile is part of the Point-of-Care Device General Implementation Guide. The Device resource contains administrative information about a medical device, whereas DeviceComponent and DeviceMetric represent the physical or logical structure. Any compliant device representation shall have one [Device](http://hl7.org/fhir/device.html) resource according to the PoC Device profile, which defines the following rules: * If there is an Unique Device Identifier (UDI) assigned, it should be mapped to resource elements as described in the Device [UDI Mapping](http://hl7.org/fhir/device-mappings.html#udi). * If the device has a serial number or EUI-64, these should be encoded in `Device.identifier` as defined in the profile. For EUI-64, either base-16 or hex representation (octets separated by hyphens) shall be used. See IEEE [Guidelines for Use of EUI, OUI, and CID](https://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/tut/eui.pdf) for details. * `Device.type` shall be present and have a coding from the ISO/IEEE 11073 MDC device nomenclature. The [Rosetta Terminology Mapping Management System](https://rtmms.nist.gov/rtmms/index.htm) (RTMMS) lists available codes. `Device.type.coding` allows additional coding from other code systems. ### Content |StructureDefinition|Description|Example| |---|---|---| |{{link:DoF-PoCD/PoCDevice}}|Administrative information about a point-of-care device|{{link:DoF-PoCD/PhysioMonitorDevice-example}}|